Aug 29, 2004 21:59
ok today was pretty fun even if it wasnt that eventful.
this morning i woke up at like 12 so that killed half my day. then my friend alex and i were gonna go to the mall or the movies, but it nvr worked out. i know sounds crappy so far.
well n e ways after dinner i went to youth group. it was so fun i got to see my twin kerry calandra (woot woot) along with all my other friends. i also ended up going early to say goodbye to my friend jeff. he was saying bye b c he wasnt gonna b at youth group due to college. one good thing i found out was his plans for USC fell through so hes going to southern! yay!!
so tonights meeting we started talkin about our retreat emmaus. this made me alittle upset b c its the most fun event ever and the only way u can go is if u have attended enough meetings. well if you dont already know i was away at the awesome camp laurel for 6 weeks this summer missing quite a few meetings. this is what made me nervous. i think i may have missed too many meetigs to go on the retreat. the good part though was i spoke with fr nick and he said i may have just made the cutt (woohoo!!!!). so thats sumthing to look forward to.
so we had our meeting. it was about going back to school (something i dont want to think about), but it turned out to be pretty fun. we got into groups and got to talk about school. im actually excited to go back. the main reason is to see my friends and for my kickass english class with all my friends, well most of them.
after the questions we sang and had adiration. then we went back to the youth center and hung out till we had to go. i was one of the last people out of my group of friends to leave. so i gave them all a hug when they were leaveing. but when my friend laura was going to leave she said ill see u whenever seeing as u missed our sleepover, and didnt go to shelton high (something shes never forgiven me for). i looked at her and told her to get over it. all she did was continually say i cant until she got into her car and left.
sometimes i just wanna tell her hey it goes both ways u could come to st joes! but i guess its just somthing ill have to live with b c i seriously doubt shes ever gonna get over me "leaving her". oh well im not gonna get all worked up about it (shes doing enough of that for the both of us lol). well...
till next time <3 thanx squii!
ps unUSUally and exceedingly peCULiar and alltogether quite imPOSsible to discRIBe...BLONDE! lol (happy chaos? lol)