Feb 25, 2005 09:22
"Life is just a big process
Process in paying u back for u've evr done"
There are onlt two things in that r forever
Time and love
But with love you need hate and hate kills
So time and death are things that r prominent
But with death u hav life
That can sometimes overcome
So time and Strength are things that r for always
But your weaknesses describe you
And sometime ur defeat
So time and shame will last for eternity
But shame is what pushses and causes us
To survive
There is one thing in life the will never ever change
And if that is time
Than how can this moment be lost
Its really very true
If I had all the support I have right now then i might not have even started smoking
or cutting or drinking I have so many ppl around me that i love and it that much more pppl that love me
BUt can somebody tell me why I need more
its times like this I wonder where I just need to want some thing
And its never enuf
All my friends and ememies that hav helped me I want to than u for everything
I love u and thank you so much
i just wish everything was different and i could show you how much u mean to me