Dec 24, 2010 05:03
So as alot of people know, I am a /b/tard.
I do frequent 4chan partake inwhat I find to be hilarious memes, troll-threads, nostalgia and every now and then, some amazing intelluctual threads just about whatever, whether it's life, the Universe, opinions on topics or what.
The other type of thread I always look at are Bawwww threads.
These threads are where you read stories (true or not, you don't know, but I will always give the benifit of the doubt and believe the posters when they post) about people who have had things happen to them and as the thread states, you usually end up 'Bawwwwing' your eyes out. I'll admit, I've teared up once or twice but it's nice in a way. Crying they say is cleansing the soul and after a good cry, you do feel better.
But I digress, the reason I mention this is in a bawww thread I saw today, an anon poster posted his account balance, he gave not a long winded story or anything but just simply. 'I don't have enough for my rent this month, may get chucked out, best thing? I barely have enough for food. I'm not expecting help here, but my bawwwing revolves around the fact that if I had $20 I could at least fucking eat.'
Quite a few posts later, another anon replies.
'It's cool dude, got your details off the pic. Enjoy your rent.'
Someone from 4chan, from the internet hate machine, from /b/, paid $650 to a random stranger that they do not know, that they've never met, just because.
Pics were delivered, much joy was had. Some might question the truth to this, but the statements matched up. It certainaly wasn't samefagging and I guess the only thing you could say is that the guy lied to get money off of some schmuck (I don't believe that, I think it is all pretty legit) But even at that, a random person gave away $650 because he felt it was the right thing to do.
This isn't the first time something this nice has happened on 4chan btw, plenty of things have came up but this was definitely one of the bigger ones.
And people wonder why I go there =P.