SCC 1X08 "Vick's Chip"

Apr 03, 2011 21:03

Cromartie the fake FBI agent is studying a snow globe. At the request of the district employee, Cromartie repeats, "I've never smoked a little marijuana."

scanning object database, heeee!

Oops. Poor school district employee is now dead.

Sarah's opening voiceover gives us the theme: masks.

Robot revelations--Derek brings in the chip that Cameron hid. (Dinner wasn't going well anyway, with the burned roast.) This brings up the question of confidence in Cameron. How did the Terminator find out where the other sent-from-the-future resistance fighters would be?

lying machine, brooding human

John hacks the chip.

"Vick" was in a relationship with a young, attractive woman. Cameron tells John, "She would not be the first human fooled by a machine."

We get more information: a name, an address. Derek and Sarah pick the lock to the house. He figures the woman is dead. Sarah's not so sure.

In part of the abandoned plot line at the high school, Cherie freaks out about being or not being from Wichita.

In the category of What do I do with this piece of information, Derek's been brushing his teeth for twenty minutes, with Sarah's toothbrush.

John figures out that the machines store memories by category; they find the moment of Barbara's death.

Sarah knows it's not a priority, but they're going to find Barbara's body anyway. Cameron doesn't get why it's important. Just meat and bones.

"Who the hell is Jessica Peck?" "A threat to Skynet." The body they find isn't Barbara's. Ms. Peck was a lobbyist paid to oppose ARTIE, a computer program to run traffic control.

"It's not about traffic, it's about information."

So... John's gonna write us a virus to stop City Hall. Sneaky. I like it.

Derek and Sarah are sitting at an outside cafe, casing the joint.

These two are so pretty, it's almost unreal.

Not going in through the front door. Ninth grade study project about the underground tunnels in LA: Derek's last year in school. *sniff* How does he know they're still available? 'Cause he and his brother lived there.

Rehabilitating a student caught with illegal substances includes using that student as an office aide. Reaaaallllly. Anyway, he's looking for Cameron's brother. Er, actually a cop is looking for Cameron's brother. Uh-oh.

Quick-witted machines make handy use of boys with crushes, so Morris is temporarily John Baum. Yay! But then Morris spills his guts about how 'cool' the experience was, so John knows.

"Your sister risked my life for you! I think that means she likes me!"

More of Vick's chip. Barbara is having doubts about everything: ARTIE, her relationship with Vick, Vick himself. Cameron tells John that it was effective when "Vick" touched Barbara's lips. The creepy fun never stops, does it? Why does she tell him this? Just making conversation. Eep!

Another reveal from Cameron: the cop wasn't a cop, it was Cromartie! John goes from freaked out to FREAKED OUT.

Sarah comes in, wonders what's going on. Cameron repeats her "Just making conversation" line to Sarah, then winks at John. This episode is FULL OF CREEPY HUMAN-IMITATING ROBOTS.

Confirmation via Vick's chip that Vick found Derek's buddies because one of them was careless enough to be spotted following Barbara. Derek states that he didn't know that was what his pal was doing.

Oh, Sarah. John knows her well enough to know that something is bothering her. How many deaths? It's all about Andy Goode's death right now.

Virus is done. Derek and Sarah go to the tunnels and create a hole in a wall that wasn't there in the future. (I feel like I should rewrite the verb tenses in that sentence!) Uh oh. Not working, and the cops show up. Sarah disables them and prevents Derek from killing them, to his amazement.

John's having troubles as well: the disk kicks him out. After John ups the power, the chip takes over the laptop and phone, dialing a number.

Derek and Sarah return with their bad news; John figures out the plan to disable ARTIE by using Cameron's chip instead of the virus.

John's speech to Derek: "She's a machine. She doesn't have a soul and she never will. You don't have to trust her, you can trust me." At this moment, with Derek and Sarah watching, John's body language is impersonal, job-oriented, as he removes Cameron's chip.

Trip with the chip to the traffic light. It works. Derek informs John that one day, one of the machines will kill John. "Not this one," John replies.

John restores Cameron's chip to her body. Back to the hints of intimacy; he strokes her hair until she 'wakes up.'

Sarah goes to talk to Derek while he's in the shower. Sarkissian has returned her call. Oh, and she's figured out that Derek killed Andy Goode. She's angry--ostensibly about the lie.

This is here strictly to document the scene. Nothing gratuitous at all, nope.

Using a laptop in her bedroom, Sarah witnesses Barbara's death at Vick's hands in the shower.

Final voiceover: "So much danger in this world is hidden behind masks. [...] True evil doesn't give us time to fight, or to be afraid. We keep our heads down, never bothering to look behind the masks, and in doing so we resign ourselves to terrible fates we can never see coming."

Timey-wimey stuff: future John has hacked chips before, so now our John is going to learn how to do it.

"The Triple-8 is an advanced model infiltrator." Apparently the machines can be built with sexual functions. We're not even shown a kiss, but the interactions between Barbara and "Vick" give a strong indication that this is the case.

My own speculation: There was once a human Vick; he was replaced by the triple-8 at some point. From what we saw of the video stored on his chip, it's hard to believe that "Vick" would have the ability to establish a relationship with a human. Maintain it? Yes, badly. What do you think?

Sarah is still grieving Andy's death. That she cared for him was obvious. What did she see in him that makes him matter so much to her? Is it the person, the principle or both?

How many people do have to die? Where do they draw the line on deaths now to stop the genocide in the future? Sarah's line is in a very different place than Derek's; he's witnessed the apocalypse first-hand.

We seen John coolly using Cameron as a resource, and we see him using tender body language with her (while she's unaware). What is she for him?

Nice continuation of John as a decision-maker whose abilities are trusted... at least within certain parameters, and more by Sarah than by Derek. John's word seems to be good in regards to Cameron. Interesting. (My own thoughts: she can only be trusted as much as future John.)

Hah, Derek's lack of boundaries in regards to ownership makes me laugh. First Sarah's bedroom (where he was cleaning the guns last week), now her toothbrush. Makes sense when you think about living a hardscrabble existence in tunnels from your teenage years into your thirties.

episodes: rewatch

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