Hamilton in T4, take two

Jan 18, 2009 05:54

Seems that McG is saying he's courting Linda Hamilton but only for her voice. He apparently wants her to do voice overs, in the manner of the tapes she was doing at the end of Terminator and the voice overs in Terminator 2. Also not a done deal, however, so we'll see. If she does it, it might get me to to rent the DVD. Not liking anything else I'm ( Read more... )

terminator 4, sarah connor, terminator salvation, linda hamilton, the terminator

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miniglik February 8 2009, 07:58:12 UTC
Thanks for the response. I promise to limit it to the women. I won't at all monologue about Christian Bale's spectacular ass. *cough* No, really, I'm good with the audience-specific filter, and I am totally your woman on the inside.

(For instance, apparently Blair was shown heavily in the NYCC footage, including a scene where she faces a group of would-be-rapists, one of which says, "but I brought friends" and she responds with, "good -- they can carry you home" (or, you know, something like that). And the fanboy assured me it was realistic and well-portrayed... not at all the quippy, bouncy haired, actress-being-fake-tough. I have to admit -- I want tough women, but worse than tough women is fake tough. Don't tell me Starbuck can beat up Apollo when he is 5 times the size of her and she isn't crafty enough to beat him. Give me Ellen Ripley's brains over Fake Tough anyday.)

As far as the marathon training... not to get too personal (but I will), but I ran my first marathon in fall 2007. I was still way too heavy for me, but I did it. Then I lost about 25 lbs (I'm 5'9" and really muscular, even when I don't try) and got pretty fucking svelt at 140. I was training for my first tri and on top of the world when I had about 5 major life set backs (stuff I don't want to talk about relating to my kids that made me almost suicidal, husband in need of a job until the last second, husband with cancer scare, my own physical problems, etc). I went nuts, gained the fucking weight back, stopped training altogether, etc. So, I'm trying to climb out of that bullshit hole, you know?

ANYWAY. I'm glad to be here. You want me to just make posts compiling all the Linda+women in TS info? I have to admit, I also love Bryce. No, she's not a physical badass, but she's kind of awesome in her own way too. Hell, if she's supposed to be pregnant and still shooting down Terminators with a shotgun, I'll give her a little credit.


saigh_allaidh February 8 2009, 09:31:19 UTC
Excellent, welcome to the Resistance. ~;)

Yeah, I hate fake tough. And I had Starbuck pushed as a great character to me, but found that she was never written quite as what she could be. Showing the savvy that it takes when you're smaller actually is not a bad thing, thank you! It's what impact self-defense training, which I promote heavily, is all about. And, well, I noticed that the actress who plays her had some muscle in the first season but it seemed to have dwindled. (And no, I don't buy "but no one could maintain it with the schedule an actress has to keep. Male actors keep the same sort of schedule but ARE expected to maintain muscle...and Lilly who plays Kate on LOST has managed to stay very buff, never mind that her character is not that inspiring for me in any other way.)

I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough spot, but am glad you're climbing up and out of the hole and getting back to training. For me, and I lost my Dad a few months ago two years after losing my Mum, I find that the training helps...but it can be easy to let it go too. Between having goals, keeping the body healthy and able to deal with stress and, yes, the endorphins it can help in getting through shit.

Please, post any women centered info on TS or anything related to the topic. Also, you don't have to get any more personal than you wish, but please feel free to discuss how Sarah might inspire you in your goals too.

Oh, and I am hoping Howard makes the role of Kate far more interesting than it was in T3.

And, of course, if you ever feel inspired to fictionalize your inspiration for the website, you're most welcome to. There should finally be profiles going up this coming week. FINALLY.


miniglik February 8 2009, 15:56:53 UTC
I got really into BSG about a year and a half ago, and I spent a few months posting on the BSG boards over at scifi.com. Ron Moore's wife is a regular poster there, and there were actually quite a few discussions about the actresses on the show and whether or not they were good physical role models. Now, she wasn't as concerned about whether they were strong, but was concerned with how skinny all of them were, and particularly how much weight Katee Sackhoff had lost through the course of the show. She maintained that RDM did not pressure them to lose weight at all, and that it was their own choosing. She also contended Mary McDonnell was the only one of the regulars with healthy body weight.

If you check out my journal header you'll notice a lot of my favorite female characters. I used to have Starbuck up there. But I just couldn't leave her up there. I don't know what it is, because most of my friends think she's a total badass, but I just think it's unearned. The show just tells me, over and over, that she's tough and strong and Better than the Boys at Everything, but I just don't believe it anymore. And I can't totally believe it's her body size, because Claudia Black was never all that physically strong looking, yet I truly believed Aeryn Sun was a bad ass.

(I had to take Buffy down too. I guess my issue is when writers take a female character and endow her with magical or unexplained physical strength, then treat her as some badass feminist statement. This applies to Starbuck too. She might as well just be a man though, where the genetic lottery just lucked her into thicker muscle fiber, faster reflex times, etc. I would much rather see a woman be a bad ass by earning it -- training harder, honing her survival extinct, being craftier, or using her strength of will.)

Oh, and I am hoping Howard makes the role of Kate far more interesting than it was in T3.

Me too. Already it seems to be a better movie, so hopefully she will be too. Because there was no way I could buy THAT woman in T3 as some future resistance general. Uhg. "You remind me of my mother!" Uh, no, John. She does not.

I'll try to make a Women of T4 information post later today.

I'm sorry about your Dad. That's got to be tough.


saigh_allaidh February 9 2009, 07:42:02 UTC
You know, it's rather ironic McDonnell is the BSG woman with the healthiest weight...considering her character has every reason to not be at a healthy weight. (not that I'd want McDonnell to sicken herself just to play a cancer patient, I'm just saying). Sadly, I did find that Starbuck was not particularly believable and is often a bit too much of a Mary Sue with a naughty streak (she might be a bit violent and otherwise seem morally imperfect, but yeah, she seems to always be able to outdo everyone).

I never watched much of Farscape, the writing didn't keep my interest at the time, but I have seen pictures of Claudia Black where she does look quite buff. I think she can look very physically imposing. Of course, I also like her face...very beautiful but not in the typical girly-girl way that seems to be favored. Very strong.

Sadly, while I loved the show, I do have issues with the whole Whedonverse "women get physical power from morally questionable, if not down right evil, men" shtick. I keep meaning to rant about this on my physical feminism blog, actually. Zoe is the exception among Joss Whedon's women warrior characters, but she was actually pretty marginal and always seemed to need guns (although Torres got really buff for the movie, even though she wore long sleeves through most of it you could see the definition through them which is, actually, very impressive).

But Buffy, River Tam and, yes, even Ripley 8 got their real physical strength via some intervention through men welding magic or science. Okay, Ripley 8 via the Alien, but it was her being cloned that made that actually come to be. Now I do love these characters, but it's a trend that is bothersome. And, well, something that he said, which I'd have to look up sometime, about "men have the strength to force themselves on women, women have the strength to care for the child that might produce" really tells what he thinks about women having any physical strength in real life. And explains this trend he shows...women who are strong get it from outside, in fact, they get it from men or a male dominated group.

Which also explains why I have little hope for his new series which, while there are apparently male "dolls" too, is about a woman who gets her skills via implantation for each mission. Actually, I find the whole "doll" thing sickening.

Um, I digress....

Yes, I want to see women choose to take on the warrior role, train, work for it.... THIS is actually why I loved Sarah so much. That she went from a Final Girl, who had a crisis thrown at her to choosing to prepare and doing so very well. This is the why of the whole Sarah Connor Charm School, really.

And, thank you. It has been hard, the past three years (since my Mum got really sick) have been extremely hard. We get through as we can, people get through worse. I do find training helps, as do all my animals, including the ones I inherited and share my grief.


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