Honorary degrees

Apr 17, 2008 01:17

I'm inspired by the previous post to include a page for honorary grads of The Sarah Connor Charm School. These would be real life women and girls who have kicked some righteous ass.

Nominations will be continually open and will be "semi" voted on. Basically if no one expresses a problem then I'd include the candidate in question. If, for some reason, someone doesn't feel someone should be included then they can open the floor for discussion as to why. No speaking up does imply you're okay with the nominee...because if I wait for everyone this will never get done as is the way of the intrawebz.

Right now I'm thinking the woman in the link above, the girls who took down a the pedophile who exposed himself to them Edit to ad link: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Northeast/10/31/cnna.catholicgirls/index.html and the "older" (I may well now be the age she was then LOL) woman who grabbed her would-be rapists genitals and "wrung them like a dishrag" if I can find anything about that (I saw her on TV sometime in the '90s I think...I think I remembered her name for years, but now forget...Google hasn't helped so far...ANYONE?! It's an awesome story). There should be others I could think of, but my brain has not recovered from the Zombie Virus from Hell(tm) apparently.

BTW, as there is no new content yet and I have a link on the old one, I failed to mention that the website has moved to http://cyberpict.net/sccs/ due to the annoying pop-ups on Envy.nu. There are rumors of some other new content coming soon. ~;)

honorary degrees, the sarah connor charm school, website, graduates

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