Two TSCC/T:G fusion fics

Feb 16, 2016 14:43

Title: Fates We (Didn't) Make
Author: stars_inthe_sky
Character/Pairing: Gen; Derek Reese, Allison Young, James Ellison, Riley Dawson, Martin Bedell, Kacy Corbin, George Lazlo, Jesse Flores, Charley Dixon, Lauren Fields, Andy Goode, Savannah Weaver
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes, the most life-changing events are the ones that never happened. Or: Twelve people who watched Genisys explode, and then went on with their lives.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my undying love for Savannah.
Author Notes: Thanks to red_b_rackham and revedeshautbois for beta-reading!


Title: Indelible
Author: stars_inthe_sky
Character/Pairing: Gen; Kyle Reese, John Connor, Derek Reese
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Summary: It’s the enemy’s mark, forced on him, and the Resistance doesn’t have the means to remove it, unless he wants to literally carve it out of his own flesh-something Kyle doesn’t feel quite mad enough to do yet.
Disclaimer: If this were my playground, don't you think I'd be working on a new installment?
Author Notes: fuckyeahterminatorgenisys prompted, "What do Kyle’s non-barcode tattoos signify?"

character - catherine, ensemble, rating: pg, character - riley, character - kyle, character - jesse, character - james, character - kacy, character - derek, character - andy, gen, character - savannah, character - allison

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