Title: Goode and Evil
Author: Deslea R Judd
Character/Pairing: Andy Goode
Rating: Mature for violence and dark imagery, including references to suicide.
Warnings: The whole series is fair game, but only as it relates to Andy's timeline. References to Terminator 3 and the Infiltrator novels (no knowledge required).
Summary: How Andy Goode became Billy Wisher.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine. Interpretation mine.
Author Notes: I've constructed where I think Andy sits (before Sarah and Derek intervened) in the network of parallel timelines arising from the movies, books, and series. As a result, there are references to other Terminator universes floating around. However, you don't need to know the books to follow the story - it's just Andy's journey. More fic:
http://fiction.deslea.com NOW AT