Title: Breaking Point
cj2017 Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Characters: Whole team with a definite Sarah/Derek bias.
Rating: Hard R: violence, sex, harsh language, you probably know the drill by now.
Category: Action/adventure, hurt/comfort, bit of sex thrown in for good measure.
Word Count: Around 35,000 all told. This part approx. 4,400.
Notes: Follows straight on from
Know Your Exits and continues to play away from show-canon after Some Must Watch.
Thanks, as ever, to Cat (
feroxargentea ) who went above and beyond with the beta on this one. I still owe you, m’love: just name your price! A huge thanks to
roxybisquaint for the de-Britishis(z!)ation, mac and cheese, and feedback that knocked my socks off.
Due to length, I’ve broken it up into 8 parts.
Disclaimer: No one seems to want these guys at the moment, so I guess they’re ours to play with. I have shamelessly pinched/cannibalised a little of the show’s dialogue.
Breaking Point (1/8)