It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, for the times they are a-changin'...

Sep 03, 2006 08:29

So yesterday was my new brother, Jamie's, birthday (that sounds weird) and my dad, Casey, Jean and I all went over to his and his wife's(?) place for a cookout. He lives in Lakeland, on a big piece of property and he's got a pool and a hot tub and a little lake to fish in.

I got to meet my new little niece, Brianna. She's about 2, maybe three weeks old, and she's actually cute! Most newborns look like...well, they look like ugly, but she wasn't. She's teeny tiny, though. She apparently just passed the 6 pound mark, so that's good.

We had a nice time, though. Swam, ate some steak, and some yummy grilled fruit, went fishing and got attacked by the death squad of mosquitos. Jamie says we're welcome over there anytime, and I think I may take him up on that.

In other news, I refuse to continue to fight for friendships with people that ignore my existence.

I've been trying to get a hold of Adam for 3 weeks now, and he has not picked up the phone once or called me back. And at this point, I just want my $50 and my bass back.

Alex has been even flakier for months now, and I can't continue to pretend its ok. If you say you're going to call me, call me. I can forgive it one or two times, but when it becomes a pattern, like it has with so many, it causes more harm than good in my life. And that I certainly don't need.

I called Aaron on his birthday to wish him a happy one, and to find out where and what time his party was; he didn't pick up and never has called me back. Not to mention that X-number of times I've called in the past and never heard back.

Michelle doesn't really fit into this catagory, but still...she has been completely engrossed in work and school, and that's ok. I don't begrudge her that, I'm proud of her. But when she calls me and says, "Hey, I'll call you after work/school" and I wait around all night for her to call me and she doesn't, I'm a little more than just pissed off. I'm downright hurt.

And I'm giving Novak an altimatum as soon as I get a chance to talk to her. I left her a note the other day saying we need to have a chat. That altimatum is: me, who's on the lease and has a legal and, quite frankly, the only right, to live in that apartment, or her dead-beat boyfriend(s). And if she chooses her boyfriend, I'm calling her mother, if for no other reason than to make sure she knows its not me who owes her last months rent. So we'll see how that goes...
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