(no subject)

May 05, 2010 23:20

I have no bloody clue what I did to my left thumb (spinning maybe?), but it hurts like the dickens. But the post isn't about my thumb, it's about the creativity my thumb pain caused.

It was hurting yesterday and I ignored it thinking it would go away, little did I know it had other plans. Having to go out today anyway, I checked out Rite Aid to see if they had anything that might help immobilize it for at least a little while. What they had cost $17.99 and I couldn't justify spending nearly $20 on something I'd only use once.

I came back home and iced it for a bit. That helped. Then I had to go get medication at Target (why Target, 'cause it's cheaper than Rite Aid). Every little blasted thing was bothering my left hand, so I checked their first aid section - zilch.

I came home and groaned about it some more. Then I decided it was time to take things into my own hands. I built a splint-y type thing out of masking tape and wrapped my hand up. Much better, 'cept the masking tape was biting into my hand. What to do - oooh, I has little cotton make-up remover things. I cushion the homemade splint and proceed to find a real ace bandage and wrap up my hand. $20 saved. And I can still type, because I'm a right handed space bar user. :D
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