(no subject)

Apr 28, 2010 12:01

Wow, talk about emotional times for me.

The past week had been a roller coaster and a half. E went for a business trip to the California office of his company. His boss had been making move to California noises before, but they definitely got louder and more insistent (with potentially awesome offers). So a move may be in our future.

That of course had me beside myself and sideways. Not so worried about it now, but the first day I went through all the stages of grief and then some. I tend to jump six steps ahead whenever I'm anxious, so I had us on our way out there and trying to figure out the logistics of taking the cats out there.

While things are still up in the air, it's looking more toward WHEN and not IF, but the future is still uncertain.

There's been drama abound with one of E's coworkers and another person that I had considered a friend. Coworker finally quit (thank the powers that be) and the friend - well, I don't know what is happening with her. It's not like I see her very often or even talk to her - it was just an unneeded situation that has left me feeling very uncomfortable and questioning the friendship (don't like to make calls for other people and I was once again put on the spot to be responsible for something that had little to do with me). But both of those are pretty much done, though not exactly in the nicest ways possible.

The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is this weekend. Got some money put aside for that and hoping to find a drop spindle and some nice yarn to play with. Feeling a touch nervous, though I shouldn't be. It's like going to the county fair, but a million times better. Plenty of lamb to be eaten, fiber to touch, and friends to talk to. Still haven't impressed upon Jen exactly how awesome this is - but she'll see soon enough.

Working on a shawl - with yarn that I got from last years' festival. The yarn is called "black olive" and I picked a pattern (bitterroot) that has proven to be nice and simple. Almost done - less than 16 rows to go, and I've been motoring through the last chart. Need to finish a pair of socks too, soon.

I wish the weather wasn't going to be so hot this weekend - with my recent sensitivity to the sun, I really need to wear long sleeves and a hat while outdoors and I hate the idea of feeling like I'm in a sauna (why does Cali have to be so tempting in that respect - dry heat is love).

The next few weeks will be figuring out potential finances for possible move, going to E's sister's graduation, seeing if I can get up to MA to see my family, procuring a tent, and trying to keep my head from exploding. Extra drama is totally unneeded, so if something comes up and I seem terse, understand, I'm trying to keep myself sane and I might not be the nosey, overbearing, empathic goof that I normally am. I'm open to advice on moving info and shoulders that I can bang my head on as I'm going, "why the hell am I doing this again?"
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