buy nothing day

Nov 24, 2006 12:01

happy buy nothing day!

now.. umm my car like, um needs gas, I have to purchase some in order to go to work
so does that ruin the whole "buy nothing" thing or what?
i will also have to buy lunch... there's no food here to take with me

ah well....

"we're all going to be blown up anyway"

today started waking up in pain due to some serious cramping, i walked downstairs took a painkiller and went back to sleep
i woke up again, just recently feeling much better, but very very very hungry

"feed me seymour!"
i need a seymour

i had work related dreams all night, dreamt things went badly, dreamt things got resolved, and woke up to realize that none of that really happened
and i have to go in today and try to fix my schedule (i want it the way it was I HATE tues-sat) without revealing i know my promotion is going away like the leaves on the trees in my yard, yeah the colours were great while they lasted, but party time is over, there's only a leaf or two still hangin' around

i should have known that if something good was coming my way it could only last a short period of time before it would be yanked violently from my fingers
leaving them bloody and blistered from the struggle to keep it... just a while longer


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