The biggest regret I have for the momernt has very little to do with how I live my life and who i've affected but rather the fact I forgot to load the digital camera with batteries to to document this great event - the postage stamps live.
The backdrop was twinkling with the white christmas lights strug up in St. CAtharine's downtown core, through the paned glass windows of the merchant ale they shone like little stars emhasizing the feeling of hope the band exuded.
The atmosphere for perfect for the soundtrack the postage stamps flawlessly delivered on a cool but not frost night in November. They made November seem as though it was wrapping us with the warm arms of summer rather than the cold grip of death that is winter.
The Postage Tamps actually hold the power to change the seasons and take you away from everything but everything that they are, and that is the brilliance of the postage stamps.
and you'd better watch out for these guys, watch as they make music history.
The last two songs of the set were part of my life's soundtrack, songs that speak directly to me about my current situation, my future and my memories. The stamps left are endellible.