Jun 21, 2024 00:51
Baba, you crossed over the rainbow bridge the other morning. On June 15th, 2023 to be exact. You are so loved. We miss you here but we know you came back home :) ..
my mom had a dream of possibly your momma, a white calico kitten..it was at our old house, she yelled at my dad to not leave the door open, and the kitten ran out and my mom was chasing after her... not sure if she caught up to her or not..
I specifically told you to go find my grandpa, because he loves napping in a comfy chair and always has a blankie you would love him... and instead of your toy in front of the bedroom every morning, you bought us the cross palm, that grandpa made. We didnt know where it came from, there was one already hanging above where we thought it had fallen from, and they have never fallen down, and they are all hanging where the other cats cant reach. So thank you for letting us know that you found Grandpa <3 you will be happy with him and he will love you.
Then I had a quick visitation dream of you! it was so vivid! But it was you, I saw your face, your golden fur patches all around, each individual fur and whiskers. And I said "Hey look who it is!" and you were making biscuits on my pillow and your one little nail was getting stuck and you seemed annoyed at that nail lol. I thought we cut your nails with all the boys, but i forgot we gave you the night off. Thank you for being so specific. It was amazing to see you. I hope to again :)
Then I specifically asked you to let me know if Michael Jackson was up there...lol... and yet again, the cable/internet/phones were out... so the first paragraph of the book I continued to read...mentioned the Gemini exit.. which I never knew/heard about... which is associated with MJ through his nephew's new album "Party Rebirth of Gemini" which had me wondering for weeks... why Gemini?? But within the first paragraph I read was a related answer. I'm unsure if reincarnation is real.. but the book read as follows... "Reincarnation back to Earth could only take place during the spring equinox through the Gemini exit in their night sky."
I also told you to find Romeo and Bad Bunny, and Tut, and Mece, and all the others if i missed any.. I honestly hope they are all with grandpa :) he was such a calm gentle soul. and he used to have a guinea pig lol... I'll be awaiting new messages from you sweet Ba xo.
We got your ashes back today, and some footprints and a nose print.. it was unexpected..just like your passing. But your ash box is beautiful. Keep visiting Babalina. Rest well.