Have You Left Your Comment Today?

Mar 07, 2005 22:26

I was talking to my darling anaid_rabbit, about little things that can light up one's days, and we agreed that a) getting nice comments on LJ is high up on the list and b) people comment too little. (Yes, I know I'm occassionally guilty of that. :"> I promise to better myself!).

So we decided to start a movement (Uhm, that probably sounds too ambitious...) to leave more comments and thus brighten up more peoples' lives. Think about how nice it would be if everyone would pledge to leave at least one comment a day that they otherwise wouldn't have left - maybe on a post where they were afraid to say something, or just something nice on a completely random journal.

In short: Take the pledge with us. Leave at least one additional comment on someone's LJ each day, and make the world a better place. Spread the love! :)
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