First of all, Happy Birthday,
stillabet! :D
Secondly, the working week of doom is over. And what is the first thing to do with a moment of free time? Why, do silly memes, of course!
Snagged from
1. My username is ______ because ______.
"Scatterheart". It's a song (though not my favourite one) by Björk, who is one of my very favourite musicians, and I just really liked the sound of that word. It's very "me" - I'm not just scatterbrained, I'm scatterhearted: loving everything some times and nothing at others, noticing the most random little things all over, sometimes (ashamedly) having an emotional attention span of half a nanosecond. Yes, my username is d33p. :| Also, it has the random connection of being from "Dancer in the Dark", where Björk's character is called Selma, which is my middle name.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
"Plueschsau". Uhm, that one is hard to explain in English... Basically, "plueschsau" translates to "plushy pig", one of which my roommate
nairie got for Christmas. It has been living on the living room couch ever since, and one day we were hanging out there with a couple of friends, and apparently the talk turned to the Plueschsau. I didn't notice it, talking to someone else, and only listened up when
shivaluna (if I recall correctly) yelled "Du alte Plueschsau!" in a fake offended tone. ("Alte Sau", i.e. "old pig/sow", is a relatively common expletive in German.) It cracked me up so much (I'm easily amused, ok) that I made it my LJ name.
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"dancesoitallkeepsspinning" is a quote from Haruki Murakami's "Dance Dance Dance". It's something the Sheep Man, a kind of ghost/god/metaphysical something-or-other (it's never really explained) tells the protagonist, who is basically trying to make sense of the past and find himself: "Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays. Yougotta dance. Don'teventhinkwhy. Starttothink, yourfeetstop. Yourfeetstop, wegetstuck. Wegetstuck, you'restuck. Sodon'tpayanymind, nomatterhowdumb. Yougottakeepthestep. Yougottalimberup. Yougottaloosenwhatyoubolteddown. Yougottauseallyougot. Weknowyou'retired, tiredandscared. Happenstoeveryone, okay? Justdon'tletyourfeetstop. [...] Danceintip-topform. Dancesoitallkeepsspinning. Ifyoudothat, wemightbeabletodosomethingforyou. Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays."
Yeah, the strung-together words are annoying, but it really resonated with me.
The journal subtitle is "Can I interest you in a battery-operated vagina", which is a quote from "8 MM". I kind of hated the movie, but mostly liked Joaquin Phoenix's character, and that quote just fit me.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
"You know that I adore you" is another Björk reference, this time from
"Come to Me". It just seemed to fit.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
*points upwards* It's from
xkcd, one of my favourite webcomics (
andtheafterglow made the icon), and it's just very true and a good thing to know for people who see my journal for the first time. :))
ETA: Oh, also! Random, but I made this for dinner last night and liked it so much that sharing the recipe (such as there is) seemed like a good idea.
It was just as case of "What do we have? Ok, let's throw it all together." so there are no real measurements, sorry. For 2-4 servings you'll need:
1 medium-sized onion
1-2 carrots
1 medium can of chickpeas, drained
2 cups or so of
bulgur (or couscous)
a handful of
rucola1 clove of garlic
1-3 tablespoons curry powder, garam masala or something like that
pepper (cayenne)
Dice the onions and sauté until glassy (in a few tablespoons of water if you want to cut down on fat). Add thinly sliced carrots and crushed garlic, as well as the spices (I usually just throw them in by eye measure, so last night it was something like 1 1/2 tablespoons of garam masala and one of some generic curry powder, plus some extra turmeric.) Sauté some more, stirring regularly (add water if it starts sticking). Add the chickpeas and some water and let it simmer for a while, occasionally stirring. In the meantime, cook the bulgur and wash the rucola. When the curry is done (the carrots are tender and most of the water is gone), toss it all together, add salt, pepper and more spiced to taste, and enjoy.
I don't know how common bulgur and rucola are elsewhere in the world, but in Germany this makes a really cheap and quick (and healthy) meal. :D
previolace, we need to talk about next weekend! *pokes*
ETA2: There's a wedding today in the complex next door (I don't really know what it is, some old industrial buildings and yards that now houses some ateliers, practice spaces, offices, that kind of thing) and they're playing this lively, Eastern-European-sounding music (accordions!) and laughing and yelling, it's kind of awesome. I like hearing happy people.