I now present to you...
Sebastian's a bit jaundiced, and so he's spending a couple days in an incubator with some hardcore UV lighting to fuck up all that excess bilirubin. They said today that his level's gone down a little so that's good - hopefully he gets to go home within the next day or two! To help out, you should all think really positive motivational thoughts for his liver. GET YO' ASS IN GEAR LIVER.
He has to wear those ridiculous foam glasses so that the lights don't ruin his eyes. He does not appreciate them one bit, though. The nurse takes them off when he comes out of the incubator for feeding, and he is so sad when they have to go back on.
He is tiny tiny tiny. Like, these pictures do not get across how overwhelmingly tiny he is. Everything but his feet - his feet are emeffin' huge. I will try to procure some photographic evidence next time.
Just so you guys know, I am going to blather on about this baby a whole lot. If that wasn't already evident by these last three entries.