Title: What happened?
Author: ScatteredSands
Characters: England and America, implied USUK
Table/Prompt: Angst/Drunk
Word Count: 275
Rating: T?
Summary: England is out drinking yet again, and America is scared. What happened to his former father-figure?
America rolled over in bed and snored. It was a peaceful and tranquil night in England, the night before a particularly important World Meeting, and America was staying over at England’s house for the night.
That is, it was a peaceful night, until the door opened with a bang, and drunken singing filled the home. America woke up with a start and nearly fell off the bed at the sound.
“L’Amérique! Angleterre had too much to drink again ! “ He heard France calling, and ran downstairs.
The French nation was standing in the doorway, supporting England on his shoulder, who was singing ‘Yellow Submarine’ off-pitch and swinging his arm around. “Iggy!” America exclaimed, and took England from France. “Thanks for bringing him home again.”
“No problem, Amérique. I’ll see you tomorow. “
“Yep, see ya!” America said happily as France left, but as soon as the door closed, his face dissolved into a mask of worry. He picked the elder nation up, much to Arthur’s annoyance, and carried him upstairs.
After setting him on the bed, he snapped his fingers in front of Arthur’s face. “Hello? Anybody home?”
Arthur blinked, and pushed his hand down grumpily. “Of course I’m home, you bloody git.” He replied, slurred.
“You’re slightly coherent, at least.” Alfred said. “You have to stop going out like this! You’re killing yourself, Iggy!”
“Shove it, I’m fine, see?” Arthur made to stand up, but fell back down with a thud.
“See?” Alfred exclaimed, and lay him down. “Just, sleep it off, ok?”
Arthur muttered something Alfred couldn’t quite hear, and passed out cold.
“Oh, Iggy.” Alfred said sadly. “What happened to you?”