It's so hard to get used to writing 2012

Jan 04, 2012 13:29

shiv5468 keeps pointing out that I don't post enough, but mainly that's because I lead a horribly uneventful life. However, I should try to make an effort, so I'll inflict the recent happenings on you (but only if you click the cut). Otherwise, you can skip my boring life. ;)

New Cat and Sundry Other Things )

cat stuff, non-fandom, sshg exchange, fic

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Comments 37

shiv5468 January 4 2012, 20:23:32 UTC
I'mn looking forward to seeing the date chapter.

And the picspam


scatteredlogic January 4 2012, 20:39:29 UTC
LOL - You know you'll see them first. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

scatteredlogic January 4 2012, 21:38:13 UTC
Hee! I never thought of it, but Little Bit does resemble Smedley. He's just, erm, fluffier. LOL


magically25 January 4 2012, 21:12:14 UTC
Would love to see a pic of Little Bit.

I really hope you write some original fic. You never know.

Happy New Year.


scatteredlogic January 4 2012, 21:38:51 UTC
I'll post a picture of him just as soon as I can get one.

You really do never know, so it's worth a shot. ~nods~

Thank you! Happy New Year to you, too!


missmiah January 4 2012, 21:24:20 UTC
Stray kitties always tug at my heartstrings, so I always love hearing about one who has found a home. I very nearly ended up with a fourth kitty these last few months, but Little Miss seems to have found another sucker to feed her most days (I hope that's where she is at any rate). My poor husband kept insisting we didn't have room for another one, but he was the one who kept sneaking out to the driveway with a saucer full of cat food and turkey bits.

Yay for original fic and for the date chapter of Harvey.


scatteredlogic January 4 2012, 21:40:48 UTC
Stray kitties tug at my heartstrings, too. I hope that your Little Miss has found someone who decided to take her in permanently. ~crosses fingers~ Hee! And good for your hubby! That's a nice thing to for him to do.


dmacabre January 4 2012, 21:31:26 UTC
LOL! Cats are masters at the fine art of simultaneously ignoring and disdaining you. It's one of their many superpowers. ;D

Good luck with the original fic!


scatteredlogic January 4 2012, 21:41:39 UTC
They do have that down pat, don't they? And I can never figure out how they manage to do both at once!

Thank you! I've been working on a couple of outlines and doing some fleshing out of characters, so I have high hopes at any rate. ;)


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