My SSHG_Exchange Gift has Posted!

Nov 17, 2011 12:53

If you want to read the most brilliant fic ever, go and read Working on the Chain Gang. My not-so-mystery author has written the perfect story for me. Lots of hilarious banter, scheming Slytherins, awkward Snape, (sort of) noble Gryffindors, smart lawyers, and Smudger. Oh, what are you waiting for? I promise that you won't regret it ( Read more... )

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lillithj November 17 2011, 21:49:28 UTC
I do love Smudger.


scatteredlogic November 17 2011, 21:50:18 UTC
I know! He's such a great character!


lillithj November 17 2011, 21:58:28 UTC
I'd love to go out and have a pint. I'm sure he'd have great stories.


scatteredlogic November 17 2011, 21:59:40 UTC
Hee! He'd know all the best stories, and you'd never know if they were completely true or not, but you'd always hope they were. LOL


lillithj November 18 2011, 01:31:22 UTC
Okay, for some reason I read the phrase "barrister bobbing" and immediately thought of whack-a-mole and started giggling uncontrollably.


scatteredlogic November 18 2011, 02:38:32 UTC
LOL - I now have a mental image of little barristers in their little periwigs popping up out of holes and grinning.


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