It worked!

Apr 27, 2011 09:14

Thank you for all the good wishes and thoughts yesterday. We came through the storms with no damage at all. Twice the storms were headed right for us, then split into two parts and went around us. The storms farther to the south of us produced several tornadoes, but nothing around here. ~wipes forehead~

I'm not sure what else is on the agenda for today, but there will be napping later. Two nights of rough weather have taken their toll on my sleep, and it was hard to get out of bed this morning. Kitty Boy was feeling cuddly, and it's so hard to disturb a cuddly cat. ;)

Later on, though, it will be time to start working on the modly spreadsheet o' doom for the sshg_exchange. So many people signing up! ~squees~

Also, the fangirl_tour is still in progress, so if you're looking for something good to read or look at, don't forget to take a look over there. ;)

fangirl tour, non-fandom, sshg exchange

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