Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...

Mar 08, 2007 18:03

This afternoon was absolutely gorgeous. Sunshine, light breeze and 76 degrees. We don't often have days like that here - spring is fleeting in Texas - so I was determined to enjoy it. With that in mind, I took my camera and went in search of pictures. When I got the camera for Christmas, I did warn you that there would be pic spam in your ( Read more... )

non-fandom, pics

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Comments 47

dmacabre March 9 2007, 00:11:44 UTC
Hooray for pic spam! It's too early here for the Bradford pear trees to be in bud/bloom yet, although we've had some nice sunny days. It's that time of year where anything above freezing feels balmy. I can't wait for spring.

And daaaaaaamn, Smokey the Cat is a big boy. :) I love his little white sock-feet!


scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 00:14:43 UTC
It's been beautiful this week, and today was as close to perfect weather as we ever get. I know the feeling, though, of anything above freezing being warm. ~nods~

Smokey really is a big boy. ~grin~ And he's particularly fastidious about his feet. He'll stop and wash them if they get the slightest bit of dirt on them, vain thing. ;)


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scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 00:17:51 UTC

I'd forgotten how
portly well filled-out Smoky was.

~snicker~ He's my little pudgy baby. Even though the vet says that he's within an acceptable weight range, I think he's pushing the far edge of it. ;)

The weather looks gorgeous - we had 11 (eleven!) degrees this morning, with a high of 37. There's still snow out back in the shady spots, even after full sun all day.

It's been beautiful here; I've really enjoyed it. I wish I could send you some of it!

I do think the day lilies have sprouted though. I'll have to take a peek tomorrow and see.

We can't get day lilies go grow very well here. I think the soil is wrong, and we're all too lazy to put the right soil in around the bulbs, but I think they're beautiful flowers.


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scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 00:58:16 UTC
What's under the Bradford? Dinosaur bones?

Fossilized bones, maybe. ;) It's my mom's rock garden.

What a nice, quiet place y'all have.

It really is, for the most part. We're lucky in that, since we're only 1/8 of a mile off a major highway.

I can see your sister's features on your Mom's face, I think. That big, head-up smile.

Yes, she resembles her very much.


cavalaxis March 9 2007, 00:32:28 UTC
Wow. I love it. The pear tree looks especially flirty.


scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 01:00:28 UTC
The pear trees are decked out in their finest lace at the moment. They change so rapidly and this is their peek. In another week, those frilly blossoms will have fallen away completely, leaving pretty green leaves in their place.


cavalaxis March 9 2007, 01:59:44 UTC
I missed getting pictures of the dogwoods this year, so I can relate. The dogwoods are the same kind of flower, but smaller, the size of a quarter.

And the freeze killed ALL of the bougainvillea I've seen... :(


scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 03:08:34 UTC
Oh, dogwoods are so beautiful. There are dogwoods down around Tyler, and the combination of some of those gorgeous old homes and the trees was enough to turn me green with envy.

And the freeze killed ALL of the bougainvillea I've seen... :(

Ah, that's too bad. Bougainvillea won't grow around here, but it's so pretty; I wish that it did.


seaislewitch March 9 2007, 00:57:01 UTC
Lovely trees! We had similar weather here, about 60 today. I'm dreading, DREADING the summer.


scatteredlogic March 9 2007, 01:01:46 UTC
Thank you. Oh, I'm with you in dreading summer. It was miserable last year, and they're not predicting that it will be any better. Between the drought and the heat, everything was brown and dry and just a tinderbox waiting to happen.


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