Fic, and writing, and mice. Oh, my!

Jan 29, 2007 09:01

Where have I been? Not on LJ, that's for sure. I apologize if I've missed important posts or events. If so, point me in the right direction, please. I took a break from the net while I was working on two stories for the 30minutefics Fic Exchange. (And I apologize for spamming your flist with them, but also I'm posting them to my LJ for the people who aren't members of 30minutefics.)

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words was written for gina_r_snape, who requested the Sex Sells challenge using the characters of Luna Lovegood, Rita Skeeter and Severus Snape.

Expectations was written for shiv5468, who wanted the Secret Tryst challenge with Hermione Granger and Lucius Malfoy. I threw in Severus Snape for good measure. ;)

Although I struggled with writing both of them, they reminded me that as frustrating as writing can be, I enjoy it immensely. I'd forgotten the joy that goes with writing, and I was delighted to find it again.

In other news, my parents returned from south Texas yesterday. I expect that today will be spent helping them unpack and putting things away. They had trouble with the truck while they were down there, so they were literally not happy campers. They finally got it repaired, but it took a new fuel injection pump and computer to manage it.

Smokey caught a mouse in my house. Mousetraps have been purchased and put down, although I suspect that he brought it into the house in the first place. (Earlier that day, he'd ran in through the pet door and went straight to the back of the house. He rarely does that unless he's frightened or has something that he doesn't want me to take away from him.) At any rate, he pounced on it - all the while ignoring my shrieking and pointing - and when I threw open the front door and called him, he regally carried it outside. He received extra treats for that. I know that it's simply a cat's nature to play with mice, but the terrified squeaking that accompanies it is something that I can live without.

30minutefics, non-fandom, fic, general writing

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