
Aug 05, 2012 21:08

Did a spontaneous friends cut. No hard feelings on my part, sorry if you're one of the cut people and you're offended. Wasn't my intention. If any of the remaining people want to cut me but haven't had the heart to do so, feel free, I guess?

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gamma_x_orionis November 11 2012, 19:13:45 UTC
wasn't entirely sure whether this was the proper place to post my response but I hope that it's at least somewhat suitable ♥

Your name: Lorraine
Icons: no (no more icon spaces :( )
Sigtags: yes
Fic: yes
Fanmix: yes

TV Shows: Blackadder
Movies: Black Swan, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney version), The Black Cauldron, The Swan Princess, The Crucible, and all the Harry Potter films obviously :)
Books: HARRY POTTER, The Casual Vacancy, The Crucible
Characters: Bellatrix! Andromeda, Narcissa, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Lily Evans, Luna, Lily Luna Potter... Abigail (The Crucible), Sukhvinder (The Casual Vacancy), Esmerelda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Ships: Bellatrix/Voldemort, Draco/Luna, Bellatrix/Lily, Rodolphus/Rabastan, Lucius/Alice, Narcissa/Rodolphus, Luna/any Death Eater, Abigail/John (The Crucible), Sukhvinder/Gaia (The Casual Vacancy), Esmerelda/Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Objects: Clocks, corsets, books, flowers
Colours: Purple, green, dark red, pale pink
Styles: Steampunk, Victorian, Goth, Elizabethan, Medieval, ancient Egyptian
Quotes: Oh Lord, I don't know :P Anything from any of the books or movies listed above, or songs from any of the artists listed below, pretty much.
Music: Emilie Autumn, Heather Dale, Loreena McKennitt, Rachel Macwhirter, Blackmore's Night, Alice Cooper, Voltaire.
Anything else not included in these categories: Smut? ^_^

Anything you don't like: Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny :P Draco paired with anyone besides Luna.

Anything else that you want to share: Everything in the "things you like" category is put roughly in order of how much I love it, with my very favourite-of-favourites thing at the beginning :) I'm ever so grateful ♥ Thank you so very much in advance! ♥ ♥ ♥
Can I share what I make or would you rather keep it for yourself (both is fine, just asking, and if for instance I made you a fanmix or icons or whatever and I wanted to post it on my lj/tumblr for the whole world to see, you'd be getting giftee credit but still, if you want it all for yourself, that's cool too!): Share what you make, by all means!

Should I email you the stuff, should I post it somewhere secret for just you to see (I can do that on LJ or Tumblr, I have many secret places to post secret things to), should I post it somewhere where other people can see it, should I post it in the Claw CR, should I PM it to you, should I set myself on fire and try to phoenixmail it to you, let me know how you want it and I'll see if I can do it: Posting it somewhere where other people can see it would be lovely (though I wouldn't say no to phoenixmail ;D)


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