Nov 12, 2004 17:13
mm...whats up with the whole children HAVE to kiss the ground that adults walk on...and not talk back and treat them like queens just because A)They are older which automatically puts the label "authority figure" on them and 2 ) They have a job such as teacher, lawyer, princaple, doctor, so "obviously" they are superior. Sorry but thats bullshit.
Today my princaple yelled at me because MY SHOULDERS WERE SHOWING, so whatever fine, ill deal with that dumb rule of a "provacative" SHOUDLER showing and ill put on my fleese.....BUT, she was talking to me like i was a rock with no feelings. Just extremely mean and rude and cruel. Like i was a murderer, or like I should be killed. Like a cop talks to a prisoner. No joke. Shes the rudest RUDEST meanest peice of shit person on this planet, so I said (quietly and pretty politely)..."Ok, but could you please not talk to me rudely?" AND SHE FFFFLLIPPSSSSS OUTTTT. She rants on "How dare you stand there and tell me how to talk??? And give me a look??" And I said "I gave a lok beacause you speak tome very rudely, you shouldnt do that" And she flips out even more blah blah blah. In my opinion, all people are equal no matter the job, nor the "status' nor who's older or younger. In my opnion, people should get extra respect and "authority respect" or whatever, if THEY are respectful to begin with and in return. Thats what should make htem deserve the extra espect. I dont give a shit if shes 60 years old, I dont give a shit if shes hte princaple. She treats us like dogs. Like we are peices of shit that she can talk however she wants. That she can stomp on our feelings and our pride because...because what??? Theres nothing!! SHes mean!! So you know what, I do feel that I have every right in the world to tell her how to talk. It's not about jobs or age, its about feelings, its about kindness. Yeah, maybe thats my hippie paradise coming out again, maybe its my "oohh the world is butterflies and candy" or whatever, but still, thats how it SHOULD BE. They should gain our respect as well.
I dont feel that I did anything wrong today. By "taking back" telling her "how to talk" Because you know waht, in my opnion, I feel superior TO HER. Because I for one hand, am a caring individual who wouldnt speak down to someone or be rude to someone if their shoulders were showing, or if someone was a minute late to class, or if someone was roaming the halls cuz they are lost, or WHAT THE FUCK EVER IT MAY BE. She sucks and I hate her, and the way the world and the worlds rules are, are fucked, because it shouldnt be about age and jobs. Fuck that, FUCCCK THAT AND FUCK MY PYSHO BITCH PRINCAPLE WHO DOESNT KNOW HOW TO TREAT ANYONE WITH A LITTLE FUCKING "RESPECT" THAT SHE THINKS SHE DESERVES WHEN SHES THE ONE STEPPING ON US. But you know what SUCKS. None if what im saying matters. Will anyone listen? No. I'd prob get yelled at some more. Like, Oh you dont know what you are talking about, thats the way it is, they are your elders, blah blah even if htey dont treat u with kindness, u have to treat them with respect" WEll sorry, I dont respect people who arent kind.
oh and one more thought...
ya know, if bush got assasinated, it wouldnt really be him being asassinated persay, it would be him, dying for our country. dying to make our world a better world. so really, hed be a war hero, like he shoulda beein in the first place
and the assasinator wouldnt really be a deadly murderer, theyd be a hero too. killing one person, to save the world. and if theyd go to jail for life or died, theyd be a legend. they saved the world, to make it better.
hmm, two people dying, to save a whole world of others. i think it'd pretty much be ok dont you?
And to Dane LaBorn. If you feel differently on any of this, dont comment back with your opinion, im not in the mood to debate wtih you and I'm not in the mood nor do I give a shit what your opiion may be. I dont know if youd fight me on this stuff, but you fight me on everything else, so just this once, please, shutup. :)