Jun 08, 2008 09:50
Um yeah, I found out the day after having cleaned our carpets that it is better done is cooler weather. I recall having mentioned that I had no experiece with the carpet cleaner. I pray that the scent will eventually be blown out the windows with the heat as our fans do their dirty work. I shoulda known.
Last night at 11:00pm we had a lovely storm as we returned home from hubbys parents (our old home). As we got in the storm was just working it's way up to show it's stuff, so we let Bow out. He came back in after a quick potty saying that he didn't want to get wet. We then let the puppies out. Bow not wanting them to show him up with the rain decided to go out with them. I closed the windows that the rain was coming in at and the went to get the critters in the house. "Puppies, Bow!!! Here!!!" Nothing. "BOW! HERE!" Nothing. I walked out in the laser light show that was around me and I became the new annoying neighbor that calls their animals into the house at 11:10pm (I did try to keep it down a bit but come on, it was after 11). In comes Mossy, good girl. Shortly comes Bingo, good boy. Still no Bow. Into the house for a flashlight and back into the waterfall that has made its way over my home. First flash has him over by the creek/river sniffing in the garden (not mine, I should have one, bit I only have roses and tomatoes). Bow I see you. Get over here. Nose to the ground. Bow Here. Lets go eat. Still sniffing to the ground. Speaking of sniffing, what is that smell. Sorta like old burnt coffee, sorta. Hubby calls Bow at the back door just as I reach him and we head towards the house.
Once in, I asked if hubby could smell that. See I get phantom smells. Nice indication of a Migrain, or just something to pay attention to. He didn't smell something like bad musty nasty burnt coffee but I as getting ready to say I smell it in the house and it hit us both.
Now, I have to bathe him in a lightening storm or put him out in the rain for the night. I should have put him out. We have no tomato sauce. The only thing tomato based here is Sketty-O's and Sketty Sauce (with mushroom).
This would normally be a nice visual, but come on, I was scrubbing a stinky dog, I was in the unmentionables, washing him with Dawn, vingar and Ragu, with mushrooms. Darn I wanted that for dinner.
He wasn't too happy to be Kenneled up last night, but first thing he did after his bath was jump on The Bouncers bed to lay down and lick his wounds, and maybe find a little bit of Ragu left on him. Into the kennel.
Off to clean my house, did you read the "my" part. I know, but I'm still in shock.