Yuletart wishes

Oct 21, 2010 08:20

Dear Secret yuletart Artist,

Here is my wishes post! Feel free to read through and use any of these ideas if you'd like more information about my preferences!

Hi, sorry, this is a little late. And if you've gotten started on drawing, then don't worry about it.

Pairings I like in [specific fandom]:
Merlin (Merlin/Arthur, all other pairings that don't overwrite this one is fine. Moreover I don't really want see Uther or Gaius in a sexual way.)
Sherlock (2010 BBC - Sherlock/John, mycroft/lestrade)
Stardust (canon pairings or gen)
American Gods (gen)
Good Omens (Az/Crowley)
Marvel Comics (Dr. Strange/ (gen or Cleo), Steve/Tony),
Temeraire( Up to you, although I've only read through 2 1/2 books)
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (The Raven King, canon pairings or gen)
Harry Potter (Harry/Snape, Al/Scorpius, anything else that doesn't overwrite the first two)
Star Trek (Kirk/Bones, any other pairings that don't overwrite the first two is fine.)

Imagery I like in [specific fandom]: -
-Anything Myst-like is awesome: http://myst5.com/exilegallery.html
-Age of Sail
-I have a thing for interesting clothes and settings

-please avoid any RPF/band AU/american idol AU/fashionista AU
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