Mar 09, 2008 12:05
I ended up getting offers into everywhere I applied for law school, but now i'm in a bit of a mess as to where to go. The obvious choice is Manchester, but I am tempted by London despite the drawbacks.
i) live at home = save money on rent/bills/food etc.
ii) Manchester is brilliant and it is at BPP which is one of the best institutions in Europe.
iii) I already have mates in Manchester and moving back would be easy.
i) Living at home again after being independent for 4 years
ii) I've already done Manchester, so it wouldn't represent too much in terms of a change.
i) It is at a college in the City, which is regarded as an important start in the law capital.
ii) It would be a completely new change of scenery.
iii) I have mates in London already also.
i) The course alone is an extra £2k just for the 1st year. As I'm struggling to pay it anyway and will have to take out a bank loan, this is more troubles.
ii) Living expenses are going to be enormous. financial problems would make for a miserable time.
As much as it makes more sense to go to Manchester, I can't help but be excited by the prospects of living in London. Although, with it being a 40+ hours a week course, it wouldnt really leave me with much free time to enjoy it anyways.