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Tom Waits - Come On Up to The House
Now what if I were to tell you about a video where the only thing you see are the lyrics to the song being displayed? I'm sure you'd probably beat me to death with a tire iron and confiscate my laptop, but this is (almost) exactly what goes on in this video. Except it's on a naked dude's body. And you get to see a beating heart. Check it out, another awesome little ditty from Tom Waits, whom I can't seem to be getting enough of these days.
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Animals - House of the Rising Sun
I think just about everyone in the world has heard this song in some form or another, but not many know that there was actually a video done up for this song. I love this song, and the karoake lyrics at the bottom seal the deal for me. Eric Burdon walking so solemnly and sternly in this video reaches a level of cheesiness not seen until the mega-explosion of videos in the 80s thanks to MTV. Also, what's up with Burdon and the guitarists going for a little stroll? Did they forget about the drummer and keyboarder? You know, the guys who have to remain STATIONARY in order to perform their roles? What dicks.
Also: what is up with the one guitarist who keeps smiling like he's on X or something? Seriously, way to fuck up the video.
Still, classic song from a little known video.
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Sick, Sick, Sick - Queens of the Stone Age
Okay. This is new, and this is me going back to the well for old reliable (Tom Waits and Queens in the same fucking post? Yeah, I know. I'm out of shape and rusty, sue me.)
Anyway, this song is pretty straightforward. Queens of the Stone Age are playing a dinner party for an attractive British (I think) cannibal model. It's a somewhat heavy handed premise for a performance video (not huge on those, by and large) but there are some good things to come out of this particular video. The rocking out of the band in the heavy red lighting totally screams oven, so I guess it's a good thing that Homme didn't go with the original title for this song: Shtick, Shtick, Shtick. Err, moving along.
The thing that sells this video for me is the performance the woman has. Most people, playing a cannibal, would ham it up and go way over the top with it. Something like Cannibal Holocaust or whatever cheesy E-Grade Movie that comes to mind. This chick, though, not so much. She plays it very lowkey for the most part. The bit with the bell at the very end? Forget Clarice, Hannibal, here's your bride. Absolutely delicious.
Paint by numbers post, but I got the urge to talk about music vids, so there ya go.