Aug 22, 2004 22:15
i am so freakin bored, i came home in hopes of getting something accomplished only to go to a party with kev and nic last night, find out fritz is gonna need my help today to work on his pontiac house so someone can live in it, so i clear my schedule to help him out, then he realizes he doesnt have the keys with him so he says to put it off til tomorrow, also he says there is only a couple hours worth of work he has to put in to it, he has a knack for understating things, couple hours in fritz talk equates to 2 14hr days worth of work. but i cant help because i have to be in lansing before 4 so.... ya this weekend has been officially wasted away like the 30 others i have wasted this year.. i rule. i am the king of wasting time.
oh well, my first paycheck should be here soon, expectin around 200 so it can hurry its ass up and come quick. i so need another job.
im kinda sad im going to miss welcome weekend, or at least saturday, as i have a wedding to go to. oh well ill be drunk anyways. we should get a keg this week. i think that would be a great idea, between me and you(jake) we could have it finished by friday... oh i can see it now..... 4 days of pure drunkenness and inabilty to form sentences and walk. we will just sit on the couch and try to play videogames while sucking beer through straws out of our giant slurpee mugs...