BdeB's homemade meme

Sep 30, 2008 17:04

Ok, I admit  openly to being a complete chick on a lot of things... here are a few

1) first thing I notice about a woman at a club is her shoes. If she is wearing crappy shoes, I am no longer interested
2) I use stuff in my hair. Couple different kinds of stuff
3) I talk on the phone alot
4) I do believe I go through emotional "periods" at least once every other month
5) I cry at stuff, lots of stuff actually
6) I love to shop for my wifes clothes, actually
7) I love to shop for women
8) Shopping for womens shoes is kind of a thing for me.
9) I try to never leave the house looking like shit (as in "honey, do I look ok in this")

Ok now the stuff that men should like that I dont

1) growler music is not for me. If you have something to say that means enough to you to produce it, make it so I can understand what the hell your saying!
2) Really skinny chicks do nothing for me. I like a woman who looks, well, like a woman, not a 13 year old
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