Nov 09, 2005 23:16
It feels like a Friday night. It's kinda sad, because I'm home not doing much. I really need to pack. I'm so sleepy. And lazy. I've talked to both of my Jeffs today. Little Jeff called me during class and we talked for like 20 minutes. I know he's uber busy, so it was nice to hear from him. Since he stood me up for lunch last week, hopefully we'll make it up soon. I am currently talking to Big Jeff. I miss that boy. And his hair. He's coming back on the 9th, though. One month away. All in all it makes me happy. I realized I don't have to work until Tuesday, and that always makes me happy. Mike is going to be training in Arizona for a month. We had fun last night.
I'm staying at Melissa's on Tuesday to work on our models. She hasn't started, yikes. Chris gave me the number of a guy at Marvin K. Brown. I'm gunna call him when I get back on Monday. Cross your fingers. I still need to sign up for traffic school. I love my lab class. Damon, David, Chris, Derek, and I started guess each others ages. It was funny how off we were. Tim, Pat, and I are going to take the engine performance class next semester. I also plan on taking electrical and the short term service writing class. I am most definately lookin' forward to it. I hope I get to sleep some this weekend. It's supposed to rain the whole time I'm there. Blah.
Can you tell my train of thought is all over the place tonight? I am way out of it... Talk to you all after Sunday...