Title: Black Stain
scarysnapey Rating: R
Warnings: Incest, vague oral sex.
Pairing: Sirius/Regulus
A/N: I know, another one. Apologies for the spam. For
deatheatercest drabbleathon. (Oooo, new tag for Regulus.)
“Where are you going?”
The words are full of accusation, and they have every right to be. Regulus has caught Sirius staring at the tapestry yet again, gently running his fingers over his own face, picturing the black stain that will remain once he is gone.
But this time is different because his bags are packed and slung over his shoulder. Regulus has caught him and stands staring, leaning over the banister with fear in his eyes.
Sirius scowls. For a Slytherin, Regulus shows emotions pretty easily.
As Sirius walks toward the door, though, Regulus springs in front of him, arms wide. It looks as though he’s about to block the door, but instead he wraps his arms around Sirius and hugs him tight.
“Don’t go,” he mumbles into Sirius traveling cloak.
“I’m sorry, squirt,” Sirius says. “I’ve got to.” Regulus clings harder at that, at the stupid, unnecessary use of the nickname that he hasn’t answered to in years.
But then he’s on his knees, wiping his tear stained face with the back of his hand. His fingers are fumbling with Sirius’s zipper. Sirius wants to tell him to stop, that this is stupid, that he’s going to get hurt, but the sight of his hard cock springing into Regulus’s hands is too much, and Sirius falls silent as he always does.
It’s over far more quickly than usual, and before Sirius knows it, he’s zipping his trousers back up, and Regulus is still licking his lips.
His eyes are hopeful, and Sirius wants to vomit. “You could come with me,” he suggests.
Regulus’s eyes change, and they flick toward the tapestry, where his face is beaming beside Sirius’s.
“Whatever,” Sirius says finally, wrenching open the door and stepping out into the street. “If you’re going to stay, then stay.”
And then the door shuts, and Regulus is still on his knees in the foyer, staring at the two of them, more perfect on that tapestry than they can ever truly be.