"Updating machine version file" & red satellite dish in system tray after Win XP laptop crash? HELP!

Aug 14, 2007 23:30

Earlier tonight, I went to Yahoo Answers and asked this question about my Toshiba Satellite and its weird behavior after a crash, but so far no one's answered (except a spammer). I'm sure it'll get some answers in the next day or two, but there's no harm in asking HERE too! :)

I'm not rewriting the details here, because I'm trying to save time since it's 11:33 p.m. and as usual I'm staying up too late and denying myself sleep, because I'm so behind in so many things I feel like I'm drowning. *sigh* I don't need computer trouble to add to the mix! :( So if you can please click the link above, and read my question in Yahoo Answers, I'd be grateful! You can reply there, if you're a member of YA, or you can come back here to reply -- if you know the answer, that is! Thanks! :)

P.S. It'd totally make my day if a few more peeps checked out the mini photo essay of Blueberry & Jellybean in the previous journal entry. *blush* My life is so stressful lately, not to mention mostly unfulfilling and mundane, that you'd be surprised how much joy those rats give me. :) I know not everyone likes rats, but even if you leave a comment in that entry just to say you peeked at my boys' pix, you don't know how happy that would make me! (I know -- it sounds pathetic that rat photos and getting LJ comments mean so much to me. The truth is, there just aren't many things that make me really happy these days, so I'm learning to expand my pleasure in the little things). And on that note, I really better get to BED!

rats, rant, laptop, internet, computers

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