Happy B-Day to my best friend! :D + minigolf pix!

Jul 24, 2007 08:18

Today is the birthday of my best friend and spirit sister soojaebi, whom a few of you are lucky enough to know in person, but whom most of you don't know at all. I'm wishing her an ESPECIALLY HAPPY B-DAY because she and her husband "DH" just moved to Germany a few weeks ago, and this is her first B-Day being away from all her family and friends. :( :( DH also had a July birthday, coincidentally enough. He is in the military and got transferred to Germany, which is why they wound up there.

Soo and I have been friends since 1990 or 1991, although I can't recall for certain. I do recall we met via a now-defunct BBS in the pre-Internet days, called The Inferno. *chuckle* It had nothing to do with Dante's Inferno, and nothing to do with hell or satanism or anything like that! I never did know why it had that name! amor_ereptor, beckerbuns, lordbear, raininroses, spitgirl or strongbow, do any of you know?)

Anyhoo, I found out about the BBS from Les, a friend of mine during my senior year of high school. And since my senior year was 1989 to 1990, and since I think soojaebi and I hit it off within a short time of me getting active on The Inferno, I'm estimating she and I have been actual friends since 1990 or 1991. (If you can follow all that! LOL) Ah, the memories. Not only did I make new friends thanks to that BBS, but I also met my very first boyfriend there as well! Now I REALLY sound like a geek, don't I? *blush*

And now, I'm MORTIFIED to admit I never posted the funny and fun photos I took last fall, when Soo and I became "kids for the day" and played miniature golf at the Golfland in Sunnyvale. And so, because it was a FESTIVE day (a fave word), and since festivity is suitable for a birthday, I'm posting the pix now. :D I can't believe I never did anything with these pix, after all this time! *blush* Bad me! (Notice I did not say "my bad". I HATE that phrase. It sounds so nonsensical to me that I simply cannot fathom how it became popular at all!)

They sure come up with cute designs for the Astro Turf! ;D

soojaebi hamming it up with the dragons.

Scary Shari trying to scare the dragons! (heehee) beckerbuns, don't these two photos remind you of Stand By Your Statue? LOL

Me putting.

Me putting again.

Soo putting.

This hole is GREAT for stress relief, because you really have to WHACK the ball hard if you want to get it in the top-most area, which leads to the hole-in-one cup. I don't think either of us were successful here.

This hole doesn't exactly require a "whack", but you do need some force to get the ball over both of the hills. When I was a kid, I used to LOVE running up and down these hills. *giggle* In fact, I think I did it this time as well! Soo, do you remember if I did?

I saw this flower in the landscaping and thought it was very pretty, so I took some pictures. Anyone know what it is?

Posing like some cheesy tourists! ;D

This is a monster of a philodendron! It certainly seems happy to be growing on a mini golf course1

When I found this game in the arcade, I was very excited! It's called "Photo Hunt", and is one of a wide variety of interactive games you can play on a very cool touch-screen machine. You have to touch the pictures in each place where you notice that something is DIFFERENT from one picture to the other. (See below). I used to play this crazy thing all the time with my friends when we went country-western dancing at Cheers and the SaddleRack. It's nice to be able to play it again! :) Of course, Soo and I worked on it together, because it's often too tough for one person alone -- the time runs out before you can spot all the differences!

Here is another pair of images from the Photo Hunt game. Doesn't this food look weird?

We had already finished golfing at this point, but I realized this would make for a cool photo! So I set my camera down on a wooden post, turned on the self-timer, and ran to join Soo in the picture. Yes, we are very silly girls sometimes! (heehee)

P.S. Soo -- a birthday (and housewarming) care package is on its way via Priority Mail! :D I don't know how much Military Mail slows things up, but hopefully not TOO long!

photos, fun, friends, birthdays, computers

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