A freaky, funny Friday!

Feb 19, 2007 19:13

I know, I know! *blush* Today is Monday, but I was busy and/or preoccupied much of the weekend with mundane but needful things, so I didn't update. But now I'm ready, willing AND able! :D So, please click the cuts below for some amusement and festivity! Photos too!

Going buggy for bugs!
The bugs reference is about work. On Friday, I worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Diddams, which I think I've mentioned enough now that I don't need to provide a link. heh Anyhoo, it seems every time I'm off for a few days, odd new products pop up for me to become familiar with. This time it was an odd new "snack" from our candy distributor. She brought us an assorted box of Larvets & Crickettes from Hot Lix, a company known for incorporating REAL insects into its novelty sweet and/or savory snacks! Most people who came to my cash register that day had something to say about the bug boxes, including "Are these real?" (Yep, but not alive!) "Those aren't real, are they?" (Yep, really real!) "Have you tried any of these"? (No, but I wouldn't mind watching you try some!) LOL!!

A few folks actually bought some as gag gifts -- perhaps in both senses of the word? ;) However, I finally got to see someone eat in front of me! This group of four giggly, giddy girls came in; I'd say they were between 13 and 16. They came to my register to buy some candy, and when they saw the bug boxes they were all agog! Long story short, one girl bought a box of cheddar cheese flavored Larvets and was about to open it and EAT some when her cellphone rang. Her friend on the other end must've said "Hey, what are you doing" because the girl said: "I'm at Diddams and I'm getting ready to eat a bug!" Can you IMAGINE the surprise on the other end of that phone? ;D XD

But now it gets anti-climactic. The girl put one or two of the larvae in her mouth and chewed them gingerly. After getting over the mental shock of what she was doing, she looked relieved. :) She then commented that they really didn't taste like anything much at all, mainly just mildly cheesy. Of course, one of her friends whipped out a cellphone with a camera on it and made the bug-eating girl pose with her mouth open (complete with mashed larvae on her tongue) and with the bug box next to her face. It was a HOOT! I couldn't stop laughing at/with these girls! They were really funny and fun, and I could tell they were good kids, not slutty or trashy like some teen girls. A good time was definitely had by ALL -- well, except for the bugs! LOL!!!!

This is not particularly interesting. I was just very happy to get squozen in by my chiropractor, Dr. B., for a 4 p.m. appointment on Friday! I haven't seen him in TOO long, due in party to my busy schedule of juggling two jobs, and due in part to Dr. B being out for a few weeks to recover from having not one, but FOUR stents inserted into two clogged arteries (heart disease & cholesterol trouble runs strongly in his family, unfortunately). I had a great session, complete with electrical muscle stimulation, massage, and -- of course -- adjustments. Having been to a previous chiro who did not do EMS and massage beforehand, I can definitely say that adjustments seem to go much easier when my muscles are warmer and more relaxed! :)

The Bingo Belles strike again!
I feel REALLY bad and lame that I haven't been posting photos and updates from the last couple of bingo games. I have the photos on my camera, and I think some even made it to my computer to be Photoshopped, but somehow I didn't actually blog about them. BUT I most definitely will soon -- not only because I know the Belles like to see themselves, but also because I kind of use my journal like a scrapbook to record happy events with words and pictures, events I know I'll really enjoy looking over again in the future. :)

A big thanks goes to Katheryn, who hosted the game for the first time in the beautiful Los Gatos home she shares with her folks and brother. I think she must've generated some good karma by volunteering to host, because she won the blackout pot at the end of the night, netting herself $14! Right on Katheryn! *highfive* I think she also won one more more prizes, but I forgot. And now, onward to the 5 photos...

I made a batch of pink cupcakes, since our game was a few days after Valentine's Day. I was going to put red food coloring in white cake mix, but then I discovered my pals at Pillsbury have a yummy strawberry cake mix that's already pink! So, I used that, but I had to frost it with chocolate, since the rules state that you can't eat a cuppycake without chocolate involved in some way! *giggle* ;) Oh, and the cupcake/muffin liners are from Diddams -- employee discount, of course!

As usual, I took a picture of all the gifts, before people started winning them. I didn't really need the flash, but I used it because some of the bags had a definite "sparkle factor" and I wanted to catch that! :)

Here we have, from left: Katheryn, Becky R., Lisa M., Margaret (sitting), Jenny (standing) and Coleen.

And since yours truly had to get into one photo, we have: Becky R., Scary Shari, Lisa M., Katheryn, Margaret and Coleen. Jenny took the pic. Not present at this game, but definitely missed, were Becky S. (on vacation), Ina (home w/ a sick toddler), Jeri (celebrating her anniversary) and Lisa L. (out of town).

And finally, we have Taz, the senior Shar Pei. She looks sad and worried because she wanted to play bingo with the Belles, but couldn't quite move the bingo chips on her game cards. *grin* J/K! At any rate, the reason the photo looks yellowish and "grainy" is because I turned OFF the flash when I handed the camera to Katheryn, who took the photo. That's because Katheryn said Taz normally HATES to be photographed and runs when she sees a camera. I've heard of this with other dogs, and it's always due to the flash. Hence, the photo came out very dark and I had to do various things in Photoshop to clean it up. But I'm pretty happy with it. :)

photos, work, chiropractic, weird, humour, friends, health, food, bingo

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