Sleep Inertia: do you have it?

Jan 23, 2006 20:03

About a week ago, I read a newsbrief about sleep inertia. I think it was in Time Magazine, but I'm not sure. I meant to blog about it since then, but kept forgetting. And (wouldn't you know it?) I kept remembering right when I was lying down to SLEEP! ;D

If you're anything like I am, your body probably feels a little weak and uncoordinated, and your brain feels "foggy" and disoriented when you wake in the morning, even if you got enough sleep. And the feelings are worse if your alarm awakened you from a deeper stage of sleep, such as in the middle of a dream, right? In the latter case, sometimes it almost feels like being intoxicated, although the feeling passes (for me anyway) within 10 to 20 minutes.

I used to think I was just a "slow riser", but now I know that what I experience is sleep inertia. This has definitely validated my feelings and I'm glad I learned about it! :) Here are 3 good articles (don't worry, not too long) where you can read more. I'm curious how many other folks experience this. And isn't it scary to think how this can affect the performance of people who need to be up and active within minutes of being unexpectedly awakened?? Firefighters and on-call doctors are the first examples that come to mind. :(

Facts About Sleep & Fatigue

Study: Sleep Inertia Affects Decision-Making

Sleep Inertia May Be More Debilitating Than Sleep Deprivation (I don't know about that, but maybe)

sleep, news, health

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