Belated dream post

Nov 30, 2020 13:34

I had a few interesting dreams lately but kept forgetting to record them. And then when I remembered to do so, I couldn't remember my LJ password! (And had trouble w/ the password reset option). But now everything's squared away again.

In one dream, I was making pasta. That sounds rather mundane, but in the dream, it was CHOCOLATE pasta! I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult to mix cocoa powder into the dough recipe if you're making your own pasta dough, but I've never heard of anyone doing that. It would be cool to find a dessert that included chocolate pasta; I'd love to try it!

In another dream, I was sitting at a table w/ some of my former coworkers. We were looking at photos and clip art and random images of all sorts of things. Most of them were in vivid color. We were supposed to draw some generalizations based on common themes running thru the images. We had various ideas, all of which were good but of course now I don't remember them. What we arrived at (I guess we had to write it down or record it verbally or something) were the following themes: "Life is beautiful," "Life is what you make of it," and "You color my world." When I woke up, I was pleasantly surprised to have such an upbeat dream, rather than an anxiety dream!

dreams, food

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