Weird dream last night!

Aug 12, 2020 16:50

Last night I had a dream that was part anxiety dream & part just general weirdness! Heh. Shawn & I were upstairs at home, in the master bedroom. I walked out to the hallway & saw a very large, scary spider secured to a piece of cardboard or thin wooden shelving board by a sticky substance produced by tiny ants! It reminded me of how Gulliver was tied down by all the Lilliputians. I don't know how the ants accomplished this feat, but it was amazing. I think the spider was dead but I'm not sure.

The scariest part of the dream was when I opened the door to one of the other 2 bedrooms upstairs. As soon as I did that, 2 additional spiders came out of hiding (somewhere in the hallway), dashed into the spare bedroom, and took up hiding! Being an arachnophobe, I was freaking out something awful!! Shawn showed up then, with a science fiction-y type of ray gun (?) and used it to blast the spiders to smithereens. Whew! I was so relieved!

During the dream, I don't know if the ants told me, Shawn told me, or I just "knew," but apparently the spiders were called "mule spiders." I checked online & there's no spider w/ that common name. Some types of tarantulas are called "horse spiders" but the ones in the dream didn't look like that. They did, however, resemble "camel spiders," a common name used for a number of different spiders in the Solifugae family, whose name in Latin means "those who flee from the sun." (I didn't know that until just now). 

dreams, anxiety, spiders, weird

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