That nutty GOOBER has returned!

Jul 15, 2006 22:35

It's been at least a month, I think, since I last saw Goober, who along with Peanut is my "best squirrel friend." What I mean is, Peanut is my fave furry friend, and Goober is a very close second. :) I don't know what kept Goober away for so long (sowing his wild oats, perhaps?), but he's back and as happy as ever! (*whew* I was really starting to worry!) For the whole update, click below!

I was really wondering about and missing that big boy, because it's been soooo long since I saw him last. About 1-2 weeks ago, there was squirrel roadkill on the main street in my townhouse complex, and I worried terribly until I saw Peanut again. I think I saw Twinkie after seeing the squirrel-smash, but now I'm not sure. At any rate, I knew I hadn't seen Goober, so I really got to worrying about him.

However, all my worry is GONE! Goober showed up this morning! And even though he hadn't visited with me or my mom for over a month, he ran right up to us as though he'd never left! :) Then again, that's not surprising. Would YOU forget who someone was if you hadn't seen them for a month? Of course not -- and neither do squirrels!

At first when I saw Goober coming over, I wasn't sure who it was. There was no notch on the right ear, so I knew it wasn't Peanut. (She sure makes it easy to identify HER!) However, I couldn't see the "privates" area, so I couldn't verify Goober that way. Eventually I did, but before that, I was able to identify him by his FACE! I know most folks think all squirrels look alike, but they DON'T. :)

Goober's head is larger than Peanut's, and his eyes are slightly smaller and slightly further apart. This is the most noticeable when looking at him head-on. His cheeks aren't as brown as Peanut's either. Also -- this isn't about his face but oh well -- I don't think Goober splays his pinkie toes when he sits and eats as much as Peanut does. *giggle* Plus, Goober's tail is fluffier than Pea's, although it's definitely not as fluffy as last time (neither is Pea's, for that matter).

Anyhoo, Goober enjoyed a nice visit with some peanuts to eat, and one to hide for later. I really wanted to give him some apple pieces as well, but didn't have any cut up at the time. Sorry, Goob! I have some yummy pieces now, in a ziplock bag, so please come back soon! :) I also have delicious, short-season Rainier cherries, which, although not cheap, I'm very willing to share with you. (heehee) Peanut and Twinkie too!!

P.S. I'm still trying to get the squirrels accustomed to a small, brown water dish I've been setting out on hot days. Peanut walked around it 2 full times the other day, staring and sniffing, but wouldn't drink. Goober today took a few steps towards it, but then backed up nervously. He did this a few times. *sigh* I've been told that squirrels are naturally doubtful of "new things", and that it takes them a few days to actually touch/try something new, so hopefully in another couple days, they'll give the water dish a try. I like to put it out on the really hot days, because I figure a little extra drinking water (fresh, of course) would be a welcome thing. :)

twinkie, squirrels, peanut, goober

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