The "non-chain letter flip flop exchange"!

Jun 13, 2006 11:23

I recently got one of the most inane NON-chain letters ever! ;D Not an email chain letter, but a real, paper, postally mailed one. It was from one of my friends and it requested my participation in something called a Flip Flop Exchange. I think everyone will find this quite amusing; I know I did! I'm also curious if anyone else has ever received a "letter" like this?

First, here's the letter I received from my friend. I've inserted some wry comments in purple italics, because I couldn't resist! ;)

Ready for some summer fun?

Then join our Flip Flop Exchange!

Please send a pair of flip flops to the person whose name is listed as #1 below. Then, move my name to the #1 position and put your name in the #2 position. Only your name and my name should appear on the list when you send your letters out. Send this form to six (6) friends, along with a blank copy.

This is not a chain letter. It is just for fun. If you cannot do this within one week, please let me know so that it will be fair to those participating. A large manila envelope will mail the flip flops nicely. You should receive 36 pairs of flip flops for the price of one!! [Who the heck needs that many pairs of anything?] Seldom does anyone drop out because we all love flip flops. [What kind of silly, sweeping generalization is that?] And, it's fun to see the location from which our flip flops arrive.

The turn around is extremely fast because there are only two names on the list. You should be receiving your flip flops within weeks of sending your letters. [Note that they don't say how many weeks!] Don't be responsible for spoiling the fun and stopping the parade of flip flips!!! [Uh oh! Sounds foreboding! I thought this was NOT a chain letter?] Please remember to contact me if you do not participate. Thank you and have lots of summer fun with your new flip flops!!!

And now, here's my reply to my friend. She already responded to it, and said that was fine, with no hard feelings.

Hey there! :)

Thank you for thinking of me with the flip flop exchange thingie. It sounds cute and fun, but I respectfully am not going to participate. I don't want you to think I'm being arbitrary or a party-pooper (*blush*), so here are the reasons.

ONE: I already have enough flops to last me a very long time. TWO: I have no use (or space) for the 36 pairs the letter predicts I'll end up with. Does anyone truly want **3 dozen flops**? That's wild!! ;D My room is small and I'm a bad packrat, so I'd really have no place to put all the extras. And THREE: I'm honestly not sure of my flop size. Depending on who makes them, I can wear 6, 6.5, or 7. I guess I have weird feet, but I have to try all flops on, before I know if they'll fit. So I really wouldn't know what size to write down for myself on the exchange sheet.

And there you have it! :) I noticed the letter said to let the sender know if someone won't be participating, so I thought it was only fair to let you know. No hard feelings, I hope? Thanks and happy weekend! *hugs*


daily life, silliness, chain letter, friends

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