Alien head in duck gizzard? Or random image?

Jun 02, 2006 12:08

This is just plain creepy! There's a story (with photos) going around the Internet about what looks like a tiny alien head inside the gizzard of a deceased mallard duck. (Here's the link!) The duck was in a Cordelia, California wildlife rehabilitation facility, due to a broken wing. Some people find it interesting that Cordelia is in Solano County, because a few years ago, crop circles appeared in farmers' fields in that same county.

But that's neither here nor there, because I don't really think the alien face is real. How could an alien be small enough to be swallowed by a duck? Well, I guess if it were an "infant", it's possible, but I don't think aliens would be breeding here on Earth -- much less in/near a creek or pond!

I think (or at least HOPE - otherwise I'm going to freak out!) that the seeds, grains and pebbles in the duck's gizzard simply happened to be in a weird arrangement that looks like an alien. This reminds me of scenarios like the grilled cheese sandwich sold on eBay that people thought had the Virgin Mary's face on it, or the unusual places where people think they see the likeness of Jesus (on everything from tree trunks to stains on walls). Personally I'd much rather see the friendly face of Mary or Jesus than the grimacing face of a space alien, but I suspect all of these are just coincidental occurrances. (FYI: the duck x-ray, like the sandwich, is being sold on eBay. However, the nonprofit wildwife rehab center will use all money raised to help better the center.)

I'm curious what other folks think, both of the photos and of the story.

california, aliens, animals, news, weird

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