Happy Memorial Day

May 29, 2006 22:30

As someone with relatives who were once in the Armed Forces (dad and half-brother), and with a best friend (soojaebi) whose husband is currently enlisted, I just wanted to remember all folks who lost their lives due to being in the military. I also wanted to recognize the living veterans (disabled or not) who served in the recent or distant past in one or more military branches. From the Revolutionary War days to the present fiasco in Iraq, everyone who did or does serve in the military deserves an honour and a thanks. And I mean that very sincerely.

I was kind of boring today. I didn't go to any parade, BBQ or party. I thought of going to the 2nd annual community parade and festival put on by the extremely cool VEP Community Association, which serves my part of San Jose, but several home-related factors got in my way. (I also slept kind of late! *blush*) I attended the VEP fest last year, and thought it was great; hopefully I'll be able to attend next year. :) Today I did a LOT of neglected house-cleaning (mainly because my mom's on a major "kick"); I made cuttings from my hypoestes, also called "pink polka-dot plant"; I had a great visit with, and took more photos of, Peanut the squirrel, who now loves apple pieces almost as much as she loves her namesake nut; I got caught up watching something I taped from TV a few weeks ago (how shameful!); I finally burned a belated birthday CD of 1980s music for rwarner, one of my swap buddies from bday_packages (also done shamefully late); and I did a lot of online stuff.

I *did* go out and attend a festivity on Saturday, however! The homeowners' association Board in my townhouse complex held a pool party/BBQ/social in the clubhouse and around the pool. For just $5, each person got all-you-can-eat hot dogs, hamburgers and chix (with all the fixings), several types of potato and corn chips, baked beans, potato salad, watermelon, two types of cake, and four types of sodas. OH! And everyone also got one raffle ticket for the prize draw, and just about everyone won a little something -- including me! :D The wife of the Board president told me there were 50 to 60 RSVPs for the event, and she was just tickled pink, because this is only the second year this party was held on the Saturday before Memorial Day.

The party had a rocky start -- the big gas BBQs in the eating area were so disagreeable at first that some of us had to walk back to our homes to bring our portable BBQs! However, then someone got them all lit and the BBQing began. I'm very glad I went! :) Not only was the food tasty and abundant, not only did I win a prize in the raffle, but I got to hang out with/chat with some neighbours whom I don't talk to as much as I wish I did.

One of them invited me to join the community relations committee (basically just helps plan fun and social events in the complex), and another neighbour and I discovered we have a love of writing and editing in common, not to mention a love of board games! I also got to know her husband and two kids better as well, and they're all very cool! She's going to help me come up with ideas for planning and executing a game night for the clubhouse, and she might even come to the next community relations committee meeting. All in all, a very fun and productive BBQ, that's for sure! :)

Oh, and I kept my portion of the picnic table entertained for quite some time with my SQUIRREL tales! *giggle* Most everyone in the complex knows how many squirrels there are, but apparently no one carries on with them the way I do! ;D Everyone found it quite cute and amusing that I named some of the squirrels, and that I learned about some of their likes/dislikes, their habits, etc. Oh, and I was even asked how I identify the males from the females, but because there were lots of kids there, of all ages, I didn't use much detail. heh

The biggest laugh came from the husband of the game-loving neighbour when I told him that even though squirrels will eat a lot of things, peanuts are like CRACK for them! He almost fell out of his chair and said he'll never look at squirrels eating the same again! *giggle* I told him I couldn't take credit for that funny quip, but said I heard it from someone. It was actually someone I met via squirrellovers but I'm not sure whom. I'm pretty sure it was either purplesquirrel or flyingwolf. Speak up, whoever it was! :)

daily life, squirrels, fun, parties, holidays, neighbors, food, memorial day

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