Mini update!

May 11, 2006 16:36

I've been busy most of today working on that dang freelance writing project, and it's STILL not even halfway done. Arrgh!! :[] The subject matter is very fun and very interesting, but the sheer size of the project (250 snippets) is hard to make a dent in! But I'm plugging along, and I want to thank the folks so far who emailed me, or left journal comments, on some fave websites they'd recommend for my project. That would be devoosha, marydotmusic, rhianon76 and soojaebi. I used almost everything from everyone! :)

The season finale of My Name Is Earl is on tonight! I'm excited, but also sad, because I want to watch it more. Fortunately, it was quite successful for a first-year sitcom and I think NBC has renewed it. *cheer* I don't know how many folks watch it, but it's one of the ONLY sitcoms I've become a fan of in YEARS! I just don't like sitcoms much anymore, but this is one that not only do I actually feel like watching, but it even makes me laugh at times! :D It's a creative, unique and amusing concept, that's for sure. I also happen to find Jason Lee ("Earl") very sexy in it, not to mention endearing. I know some folks will think I'm nuts to say that, but hey -- we're all attracted to different types! ;)

I had a great visit with Peanut and Goober today (at separate times). My mom hung out each time too, so the squirrels would keep getting used to her. After I tossed Peanut a few peanut halves, which she greedily ate, I got up and went inside, but kept the front door open a crack so I could PEEK. I wanted to see if Peanut would accept the nuts tossed by my mom, even though I was no longer there. She did! ;D So, now she definitely connects my mom with me in her squirrelly little mind, and she knows we are BOTH cool and trustable! (Pea and Goober also know very well which door is ours, and they're even kind of getting the timing correct. Such smart and cute little rodents!)

I LOVE the smell of my neighbour's lemon bush!! It seems every time I go outside these spring days, I smell the delicious smell of citrus blossoms! (I also love the scent of orange and lime blossoms). Bees also love it, especially the frightening-but-not-dangerous carpenter bees. I call it a "bush" because I think it's on dwarf rootstock. The previous neighbours in that house had it for at least 10-12 years, and it just never became tree-like. It was always happy, green, and a good fruit-producer; it's simply a big shrubby thing. *chuckle* For some crazy reason, I can't recall if it's a Eureka or a Meyer lemon. Those neighbours moved many years ago, and the new neighbours are unfortunately weird, not too friendly, and often not even home. So, I haven't been in the yard in a looong time and just can't recall what type of lemons I used to get from it. *sigh*

The weather has turned so hot that I caved in and brought in my oscillating fan from the garage. It's blowing on me right now, in fact. It seems like I get more and more heat-intolerant with each passing year. :( I also don't sweat a lot, so at times I spritz my face, neck, arms and legs with water. And this room (the den) where I work is NO help at all! First of all, it's upstairs, and hot air rises in any house. And second, the computer generates heat, which probably raises the room temp a little as well.

daily life, squirrels, tv, work, trees, weather

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