The 'Letter Me' letter meme!

Apr 27, 2006 20:57

I saw this meme in sabbathunter's journal and thought it sounded so fun, I just had to participate! :) He gave me the letter W, thinking it might be more challenging than some other letters, but it ain't NUTHIN' for a wordworm like Scary Shari! (heehee)

The first paragraph below the LJ cut is the part that you paste into your journal (If you want to join in) because it contains the instructions for how it all works. You can re-name the meme if you like; I called it the "Letter Me" letter meme just to be amusing/witty. ;D

Instructions: Comment on this entry and if you ask, I will give you a letter. Write 10 words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why. Then you get to pass out letters to those who comment in your journal that THEY want to play along.

OK, and now onward with my 10 things starting with the "W" that sabbathunter assigned me. ;D

Being a writer and editor by education and profession, I have (and pretty much have always had) a major love affair with the written and spoken word. I am fascinated by almost everything pertaining to the usage of language and words.

The name of a very cute stuffed animal dog I have. He's in the Beanie Baby style, but is actually a Huggable Honey, made by Zangeen. Many years ago, when these critters were popular, I found them at Walgreen's (a drug store), my mom suggested the name Wally, and the name stuck! LOL

I think this goes without saying! ;D I love surfing the Internet and visiting all sorts of web pages on all sorts of topics. I might even be what you'd call... *gulp*... addicted!

Not only is it essential for life, but I enjoy several uses of it. One is swimming; I LOVE it and don't do it enough, especially since my townhouse complex has a Junior Olympic size pool. I also love water because it helps all my trees/plants/flowers grow. :) Oh, and one of the two pillows I sleep on/with is a comfy water pillow recommended by my previous chiropractor.

This describes many aspects of my life. I'm willing to see the other person's side of a debate; I'm willing to respect other people's political and/or religious beliefs even if I don't agree; I'm willing to help friends or family members who need a hand, sometimes even before they ask; and I'm willing to try new things and experiences, although to a certain limit. For example, bungee jumping I refuse to try, because I hate the feeling of falling, plus I've heard of too many bungee-related injuries. I also refuse to try eating raw insects, because my brain has too much of a hang-up about that and I just *know* it would tell my stomach to vomit before I could even chew, let alone swallow!

This is the botanical (Latin) name for the California fan palm, one of my favourite palms and also a true California native (like me!) It's prettier, hardier and classier looking than its close relative, Washingtonia robusta (a.k.a. Mexican fan palm).

I just realized that looks like "Winnebago" at first glance! LOL Well, it's not, because I don't think you could EVER teach me how to safely drive a giant motorhome like a Winnie. (It's challenging enough to parallel-park my Toyota Corolla! *blush*) Anyhoo, when my monthly Bingo Belles group gathers to play, I enjoy winning. :) I actually prefer it the most when ALL players win at least something, but of course I do get the most excited when I myself win.

No offense to anyone who wears wigs, but I have just always thought that it was a funny-sounding word. I also think it sounds funny when used as a verb, as in "I wigged out when I won at bingo!" *giggle*

The nickname of President George W. Bush. Pronounced "dubya". Personally I think his W initial should stand for "Worst", because he's probably the worst President the U.S. has had. :( And I *know* I'm not in the minority with this sentiment, because his approval rating is also about as low as it can go! To my friends from other countries, I apologize for all the ways Bush has offended and/or disillusioned you, and I regret that he has made the U.S. a laughing-stock among the nations.

Let's end on a positive note! :) Wisteria is one of my favourite vines, for several reasons. Purple is my fave colour and I love the lavender/purple colour of the flowers; I love the pea blossom-type shape of the flowers, and I love the fragrance of the flowers! It doesn't get much better than wisteria for me! Here is a photo I took of a beautiful wisteria spray at a garden show. I used a watercolor filter on the image (via Photoshop) because I thought it would make a pretty effect. I like the outcome; it looks almost like a painting! :) What do you think?

words, meme

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