100 "unsexiest" men? I don't know about that!

Apr 19, 2006 17:09

It's amazing the publicity you get if you compose a "best" or "worst" list on a topic that appeals to people's curiosity, sensationalism, sense of humour or even sense of disgust. The folks at The Phoenix recently appealed to all of those things with their "100 Unsexiest Men in the World". The grammar of that sounds awkward to me, but I got past my copy editing tendencies (heehee) and enjoyed reading the article and perusing the list. Click here to read/see it yourself.

Apparently they think raucous, annoying comic Gilbert Gottfried is the most unsexy, because he got the #1 spot. The Phoenix says its staff compiled the list "after pouring through thousands of photographs, [and] millions of frames of movies and TV shows." However, it seems they didn't base it on appearances alone, because they say some men made the list in part because of obnoxiousness.

Personally, I don't think Gilbert is NEARLY as unattractive as some of the men on the list I threw together myself. *chuckle* Yes, he grates on my nerves, but I don't find him particularly unpleasant to look at. I also do not find all the men on The Phoenix's list unsexy or unpleasant to look at either -- only some of them.

However, there *are* a handful of famous men whom I *do* find unpleasant to look at. If you dare, click the cut below to see my "gallery of infamy"!

Just for the record: my including these men has NOTHING to do with their skills, talents, intelligence, values or anything else. I don't want to offend anyone who likes/admires any of them. I'm ONLY listing them for aesthetic reasons; I'm not judging them. Nothing personal! :) It's in the spirit of what The Phoenix did, but less insulting, because I'm not including their personalities as part of their unattractiveness. After all, what one person finds an annoying personality, another person might not mind at all.

I'm listing the men in alphabetical order based on their last names, because I didn't want to rank them in order of "worstness". *chuckle* Oh, but first, here we have Gilbert Gottfried, whom I do NOT think deserves to be the most unsexy of the Phoenix's list. But they didn't ask for my vote!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yasser Arafat

Jack Black

Benicio Del Toro

Bob Dylan

Marty Feldman

Michael Jackson

Richard Kiel

Marilyn Manson

Shane McGowan

Luciano Pavarotti

Carrot Top

Tiny Tim

Steven Tyler

Ron Wood

photos, celebrities, news, humour

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