A productively unexciting day! heh

Apr 30, 2013 20:34

Today was quite productive but not quite exciting! ;) But because I have a longstanding agreement w/ myself to "celebrate the small victories" (due to my challenges relating to motivation, organization and distraction), I like to record when I have a particularly accomplished day. This somewhat offsets the days when I get almost nothing done and subsequently feel bad about myself.

Not necessarily in this exact order, today I did two complete loads of laundry (by which I mean wash, dry, fold and put away), cleaned out Roomba's filter & then sent him cleaning the kitchen floor (which definitely needed it), cleaned the bathroom floor w/ a Dustbuster as well as by hand (w/ paper towel), went thru some of the stuff from my erstwhile storage locker that's now in our garage and actually emptied out another storage bin (yay!), sorted thru a pile of ads/coupons/store circulars/etc., went grocery shopping at Safeway (my fave supermarket), cleaned out and refilled the bird/squirrel waterer in the backyard, which is extra important in this hot weather (along w/ squirrels we also have house finches, goldfinches, towhees, sparrows, juncos, phoebes, tufted titmice, Nuttall's woodpeckers and mourning doves who hopefully all drink from there; we also have hummingbirds but they drink their special nectar), provided "telephone technical support" for my mom when she called me half-frantic about a Microsoft Word document compatibility issue with her iMac (don't even ask!), applied to participate in some paid usability studies and focus groups (some very well-paying), looked online for jobs, and re-applied to a job for which I applied last week & am a FANTASTIC fit (they sought a freelance editor/proofreader who has experience with medical & healthcare topics).

I NEVER actually even get the damn TIME OF DAY from 98% of the jobs I apply for. :( It's been that way for years. However, I'm REALLY hoping this one will be different! I have the experience, the interest and the passion they claim they want, and I have to say that my cover letter is very engaging and very persuasive -- it should be, as I've tweaked it about a million times! *blush* But I'm not holding my breath, or I'd have long since asphyxiated by now. I just have to remind myself that for every ONE open job, whatever kind of job type it might be, there are probably literally HUNDREDS of people applying for it. That would explain why I'm not the only one w/ this problem; a lot of my friends apply for dozens of jobs and never hear back from most of them either. *sigh* Not even the time of day! So frustrating. But we all just have to carry on and keep plugging away and not lose hope. This reminds me of something my mom's British friend's mum used to say: "chin up!" :)

P.S. The rat in today's userpic is Blueberry. He and his brother Jellybean were the late great blue hooded rats I had from June 2007 thru January 2010. I took vast numbers of pix of  them, and they were very accommodating and patient w/ their zany mommy! *giggle* For some reason Blueberry's body language in this pic makes me think that he has stopped in his tracks to exclaim "What?!" so I made that into a userpic, just for fun. I sure do miss those sweet, smart, silly, sensitive and squishy boys! <3 <3

rats, job search, rant, daily life, squirrels, animals, shopping, organizing, usability studies, birds, chores

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