Happy B-Day, Daddy! :)

Feb 20, 2012 22:29

I already wrote in this entry about the B-Day lunch/party Feb. 11, in which we (my folks, me, Shawn, aunt Janie & cousins Julie & Brandon -- the usual suspects) gathered in San Jose & celebrated the February babies' birthdays: dad on the 20th & Shawn on the 28th. :) However, today being Feb. 20, I wanted to wish my "dear ol dad" Al a very happy birthday! With his various health issues, as well as his age, it's a BIG achievement to have reached his 89th year; we're all happy & grateful about that! <3 There's no way I could let this day go by without mentioning my daddy and how much I love him!

And, even though I already shared this pic of him on Facebook today, I wanted to share it here in my blog as well. It's a "mug shot" from one of his old business cards, back when he was a real estate agent (a Realtor at that!) His complexion isn't actually orange; it's just the funny color tone of the image. I really like this pic of him because it captures his warm and kindly nature! :)

OOPS!! LiveJournal keeps giving me an "internal service error" when I try to upload a photo! I never saw THAT fail before! :( So, I can't share my dad's pic directly here. Instead, here's a link to the pic at Facebook. I have this pic set to public viewability (i.e. you can see it even if you're not a Facebook member) -- just click here!

photos, family, dad, facebook, health

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