In memory of Berry & Jelly: 2 years gone :(

Jan 25, 2012 20:52

I couldn't let today pass without blogging, especially since I already wrote about it on Facebook in a status update. Today, Jan. 25, is the two-year anniversary (in 2010) of the passing of my late great rattums, Blueberry & Jellybean, blue hooded brothers I adopted from the Bay Area-based Rattie Ratz, an awesome nonprofit that specializes in rescue, resources and referrals. (Sounds like my type of alliteration, but it's actually a quote from the website!) Anyhoo, my big squishy boys were 2 years 9 months old; I hoped they'd see their third birthday but, as is the case with many rats, that didn't happen. They were euthanized due to typical "old age" health issues; I'd just rather not go into it.

I don't mind, however, saying "euthanasia." Why do people shrink from that word when the alternatives are worse?? "Put to sleep" sounds misleading, plus it could scare little kids into not wanting to go to bed. And "put down" always rubbed me the wrong way. :( It sounds insulting -- a "put down" is a bad thing, whereas euthanizing your pet is a dignified and peaceful thing. I know, because I was with the boys. I worried it'd be weird or scary or give me nightmares, but then I decided that no matter how upsetting it might be for me to be there, it'd be more upsetting for my boys to NOT have me there in their last minutes. I know everyone makes their own choice, but for me, I had to do it. I knew no matter how it might affect me, at least I'd have no regrets. And I sure don't! :) It was beautiful and loving and peaceful.

In honor of those sweet, smart, silly, social and sensitive squishes (speaking of alliteration! heh), I invite anyone reading this (probably no one *sigh*) to check out my Rattums album on Facebook. It's set to public viewability, so you do NOT need to be a Facebook member to see the pix. Anyone can view it! :) As a tickler, I'm posting several pix from the album directly below. But please drop by the FB album and have a look, especially if you're a rodent fan like I am! <3

Blueberry & Jellybean in one of their fave "cuddle cubes" during out-of-cage playtime in the bathroom, where they could run around, play with toys, climb around on me, etc., all without fear of getting lost!

Blueberry & Jellybean snuggling & snoozing (as they LOVED to do) in their fave corner of the cage!

A playtime on the bed. This pic captures the rats' personalities well! Blueberry (left) was more adventurous & extroverted, while Jellybean (right) was a little more reserved. Both were super loving!!

Blueberry in one of his typically very funny, very immodest sleeping positions! LOL! He also liked sleeping on his back, especially in warm weather. And when he was on his side or back, I could actually give him belly rubs!!

"Nothing up my sleeve! Oh wait a minute, maybe there is!" (teehee) Jellybean loved crawl into my baggy sweatshirt sleeves, then turn himself around and face outwards so he could just "hang out" with me! He also liked to go "shirt-diving," which sometimes resulted in him coming out a sleeve too.

rats, words, photos, memories, facebook

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